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We were eating and honestly I kinda lost my appetite, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a axe Ariana and Yasmeen has been going off in our sister group chat but I was trying not to pay attention to it keeping my attention on my food and Bada

"Baba" I whispered getting Bada's attention "yes love" she said resting her chin in her hand as she gave me her attention "I don't have an appetite anymore" I said with a pouty face

"You didn't eat breakfast so you better eat right now,I cannot have you fainting today so eat at least the Mac and cheese and the chicken" she said and I made a thinking face

"The salad and the chicken and you give me your mash potatoes" I negotiated she chuckled and put her mash potatoes on my plate and I gave her my salad

"You guys are really cute you sure your not dating yet?" My aunt carry said and we just blushed "no we're just friends" I said leaning into Bada a little bit "what are you guys waiting for you guys already look good together" aunt carry said before sending us a wink

"Well too bad she isn't the dating type" Kehlani said from the other side of the table "bitch can you shut the fuck up" Ariana said almost immediately after

"Right you like a fucking fly always buzzing around" Yasmeen said as she finished eating "GIRLS! Peace please" my mom exclaimed and they both went silent

"When is Elijah and the boy getting here or are they not coming" I asked asking for my cousins "uh... he has some business to attend to but he'll reach out" aunt carry said and I nodded

After eating we were now mingling amounst ourselves my family seems to really like Bada they have playing some games and I could see that she was having fun by that big smile on her face

"I see you don't miss me anymore" I hear Kehlani said from behind me "never missed you when I let you go I let you go" I said in the most neutral monotone voice ever

"Baby you don't have to lie to me" she said wrapping her arms around my waist fucking delulu I tear her hands of my waist "don't fucking touch me" I said pointing my finger in her face

"Stop acting like you don't want me baby" she said reaching for my waist and I pushed her causing her to hit the counter knocking some bottles over

"Everything okay over here" My Auntie Steph asked side eyeing Kehlani "yeah we're good" Kehlani said faking a smile "don't you ever fucking touch me again" I said walking away from her

"Baby you okay" Bada ask me as I came to stand beside her I nodded and she wrapped her arm around my waist almost like a side hug

As she pulls me more into her I tilted my chin up to look at her to see she was already looking at me I gave her a half smile and she leaned down so that her mouth would be at my ear "if she's bothering you or did something you tell me okay" she said in a serious tone I nodded my head and rested it on her chest

"She tried to like hug me but I wasn't going for it" I said as she rubbed my back caressing me "hmm" I hear her hum I look up at her and I see that she is not smiling anymore, she looks serious, intimidating, angry even

The party was coming to an end and me and Bada decided we wanted to go home I said goodbye to everyone, gave my sisters hugs and kisses telling them I'll see them tomorrow

"Mommy I'll call you later okay" I tell my mom giving her a hug as I reach the front door I see Bada having a serious conversation with Kehlani I walk up to them as I see the tension rise

"You touch my girl again it'll be the last thing you touch"....

Author's Note:

Liability | Bada LeeWhere stories live. Discover now