I will not be here forever, you know? - Part 2

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𝒫𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓀𝑒𝓇 • 𝒯𝑜𝓃𝓎 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓀

Part 2.

I think I have a plan. I told my friend a few hours ago, and part of me regreted it. A. Lot. Why? Because, how could a strategy planned in 5 minutes work? I would find out really soon.

I was in Ned's beat-up Honda — well, it wasn't really his car, it belonged to his family, but hey, nobody had to know.

After I sat in the front seat, I spent almost ten minutes trying to convince myself that this was a brilliant plan. Absolutely brilliant. Hiding from criminals, tailing them to their secret lair, and all while relying on a DIY communicator we learned to make on Youtube. What could possibly go wrong? (Please, don't answer.)

Through the discreet earpiece, I muttered, "Ned, are you sure this thing's gonna work? I can think of something else because if it doesn't, this might be the shortest stakeout in history."

Ned's voice crackled back, "Trust me, Peter. I wired it myself. Just stay low, stay quiet, and you'll be fine. You were all confident telling me about the plan and now you want to give up? Remember what Iron Man said, you can do it!"

"Easy for you to say, guy in the chair" I muttered, as I watched the truck ahead turn down a dark alley, they surely didn't want to be seem — too bad. "Okay, they're going. Time to see what Aunt May's self-defense classes have really taught me."

"Stay far."

"I am trying," I said, and I tried to sound confident, this was my plan after all. "I think it's working, the other cars are doing a good job hiding me." With all those cars around me, they would think I was just a regular person driving home.

The base of my plan was: if you can't hide yourself, others can hide you.

If everything worked, would Mr. Stark be proud? They weren't regular thiefs, and they definitely weren't the villains of the week, they were much more than just that, and the fact that they have enough technology to open an ATM without making a sound was proof enough.

Ned's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Remember, Peter, you've got this. Just keep your distance and let the tracker do its job."

I smirked, even though I knew that Ned couldn't see me, I was alone. "Piece of cake, right?" I didn't want to jinx myself, so I wouldn't say anything about how well the plan was going because everytime I did it, the plan would instantly go wrong.

"Did you change to your Spider-Man suit already?"

"No, and I won't do it until I am sure I know where their base is."

As I continued tailing the criminals, I couldn't help but feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, I felt like the detetive of my favorite comic book — ok, no. Focus.

The enemies finally stopped, and honestly, I imagined their base would be something like an abandoned house with shattered windows, or something else that you would normally see in a movie, but the building was shining, I mean, literally.

The enemy truck entered in a base with glass walls, however, they were black and it was impossible to see what they were hiding inside, not to say that the glass looked extremely thick and bulletproof, that was an Avenger level base.

"Bingo," I whispered, feeling like I was in my own superhero movie, but obviously, that was just a dream. "Seriously, you wouldn't believe what I am seeing, those guys must have stolen hundreds of ATMs, they are rich!"

Ned chimed in, "They surely know how to spend the money they steal."

"The truck went in, that's why nobody ever found their base, this place just looks like fancy building, I thought villains liked to hide in caves and abandoned houses in the middle of the forest, not in huge mansions that scream 'I am rich'."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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