Chapter 30: The Delusion Dates

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"Gentlemen, I have called an emergency meeting of the three of us to discuss something very important. We have 4 new girls that have recently caught the school's attention now that Komi has been choosing to spend more and more time with them."

Three of the boys from Tadano and Komi's class gathered together for their semi-regular private meeting in order to discuss the various girls in their class. However, in the case of these 4 new girls, members of the mysterious Literature Club along with Komi, there was a problem...

"I've...seen the girls, but I don't know the first thing about them!" One of the other boys said.

"Then what sort of material are we supposed to come up with?!"

"Um...hey. What're you three doing?" Tadano asked as he was passing by the classroom with Alex walking next to him. They both peeked inside, making the three boys flinch.

"Oh! Uh, hey, Tadano, um...we're just, you know, talking like usual." One of them answered, doing his best to answer the question naturally (he wasn't doing a very good job).

"Oh, I see! Are you doing one of those...erm, what-if dating scenario things?" Tadano asked slowly, finding the best words with which to phrase the question.

"How does he know about that?!" Two of the boys at the desk exclaimed at the same time.

"Um, you know I sit like right in front of you, right?" Tadano grumbled under his breath.

"What-if what now?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's the exchange student!" The leader of the troupe of three exclaimed, "Okay look, come on in and we'll tell you. We're talking about this too loudly right now." He gestured for them to come in, so Tadano and Alex entered the room and sat with them.

"Ok so listen, our plan was to sit and discuss the new girls from the Literature Club, you know? But...we don't really know anything about them. All we know is that Komi spends a lot of time in that club." The leader explained.

"Oh, the girls from the Literature Club? They're very nice, haha, I can see why you would want to do what-if scenarios for them." Tadano said with a chuckle.

"What are these what-if scenarios supposed to be about exactly...?" Alex asked slowly, looking around at everyone at the table.

"You know, like what if you went on a date with them? How would it go?" One of the other boys explained.

"Oh. Okay. That's...weird, but more harmless than what I was expecting," Alex commented. "Well I mean I'm in the Literature Club, you know, and I'm dating Monika." He pointed out.

"You what?! Since when?!"

"Since, uh, like...ever." Alex answered awkwardly.

"So...can you help us?" The leader asked.

"With the what-ifs...? Sure, why not? Where do we start?" Alex agreed with a shrug.

"Great!" The three boys exclaimed at the same time.

"I wanna start with the tall girl with the purple hair." One of them started.

"That's Komi, you idiot!" The other one said.

"No, not Komi, the other one – her name is Yuri." Tadano clarified.

"Oh, I see. Please continue."

"Yuri? Well let's see, she's fairly reserved but not exactly shy, she's well spoken and has good manners, respectful, she enjoys tea and thoughtful discussions." Alex described succinctly.

"I see. Well in that case..."

The Yuri Scenario

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