Chapter 44: The Second Day At Kyoto (M/S)

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"Mitsu! Are you ready to go?" Sayori called through the door after getting dressed to leave. She heard a faint groan from the other side.

"Oh darling, I'm so so very sorry. I'm afraid I'm just not feeling up to it today. I don't know what it is but I'm feeling quite sick. I do hope that you will be able to carry on without me just this once. I promise I'll make it up to you." Mitsu answered.

"Oh no! I'm sorry! Do you need us to get you anything? Some medicine or something?" Sayori offered.

"Your kindness is one of the things I love about you, dear, but don't worry about me. Go and have your fun. I promise I'll be right here when you get back."

"Alright! Hope you feel better!" Sayori said, patting her hand on the door before leaving to join up with Monika in the lobby of the hotel. She was already dressed in a sweater and jeans, ready and waiting on Sayori to meet up with her.

"Hey! I like that hoodie, Sayori. It looks a little big on you though." Monika commented when Sayori approached, noting the large hoodie she was wearing with its particular design: purple with one white sleeve and one gray sleeve.

"Thanks! It's Alex's, actually. I keep forgetting to give it back to him." She said with a giggle.

"Are you sure it's 'forgetting' or something else?" Monika asked in a faintly teasing manner.

"Well, it is pretty comfortable, sooo..." Sayori laughed again. "Are we ready to go?" She asked.

"We're just waiting on Mitsu now." Monika reminded her.

"Oh she's not gonna make it, actually. She says her stomach isn't feeling good." Sayori informed her.

"Oh! Well that's not good. Does she need anything?" Monika asked.

"She said not to worry about it. But we could probably bring her some tea or something if we see it while we're out." Sayori suggested.

"I think that's a good idea. Well in that case, looks like it's just us two today!" Monika said with a smile...

So the two of them left the hotel and rode via public transport to the Fushimi Inari Shrine. As they rode, Monika filled Sayori in on a special plan that she had in her mind for this trip.

"So, Sayori, I need your help with a secret mission today." Monika began.

"Ooh, secret mission sounds exciting! What's the plan?" She asked with a smile, bouncing in her seat as her excitement was already beginning to set in.

"So, I want to get something for everybody – like a souvenir of some kind, something personal for each member of the group. I'm not exactly sure what to get but it doesn't have to be anything too big or fancy. Would you be willing to help me look?" Monika requested. Sayori gasped at this.

"Absolutely! I'll help you look at all the shops!" She declared.

"Ahaha, thanks, Sayori. I knew I could count on you." Monika said appreciatively...

The two of them would keep this goal in the back of their minds, but they were also looking forward to seeing the shrine and whatever it had to offer. When they arrived at the station, it wasn't too far of a walk away to get to the entrance.

"I'm so ready for this! My camera is cleaned and fully charged for this!" Sayori said with a grin, putting the camera strap around her neck and adjusting it. Monika glanced at her curiously.

"I forgot that you were getting into photography, Sayori. I can't wait to see what you come up with! I'm sure it'll look great." Monika said with a smile.

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