Chapter 41: The Train Ride

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Everyone clamored with anticipation and excitement as they got onto the train heading for Kyoto. The teachers took the lead in making sure all of the students boarded in an orderly fashion as they all entered and took their seats in groups of 3.

Komi initially sat with her group by her class, but she made sure to note that the other members of the literature club were in the same train car but all the way in the back. It looked like Monika and Sayori were in a group together, as were Natsuki and Yuri.

So once the train was in motion, after spending some time awkwardly sitting with her group in silence then getting a little bit of conversation out of the way, Komi politely excused herself and made her way towards the back of the train so she could chat with her literature club friends.

"Hey, Komi! Are you excited to be in Kyoto?!" Sayori asked, leaning on the back of the seat in front of her and smiling widely at her.

"Mhmm!" Komi confirmed with a nod before writing in her notebook, "I'm really looking forward to it. I hear that Kyoto is really nice. My 2 partners also seem to have their own grand plans for this trip, although I'm not sure what they are yet."

"Well that sounds mysterious and exciting," Monika commented with a giggle. "We were all just talking about what our plans are for the trip. Although, some of us are more excited than others." She giggled again, pointing behind her.

"Hm?" Komi looked curiously to see that Alex was sitting in the seat behind Monika's with his jacket over his face. It appeared that he was sleeping in his seat. The other snickered at this too.

"I call dibs on waking him up if he doesn't get up before we arrive." Natsuki said.

"Haha tempting, but I'm sure you would find the cruelest way to do it, so I'll take care of it." Monika said.

"Aw boo, that's no fun." Sayori said, making a pouting face.

"Girlfriend privileges." Natsuki muttered.

"What are you all looking forward to the most in Kyoto?" Komi asked curiously, figuring that now was a good time to change the subject.

"Hmm...what am I looking forward to the most?" Monika wondered aloud, taking some time to contemplate the proper answer to Komi's question.

"Oh oh! I'm really looking forward to seeing all of the cool landmarks and historical stuff!" Sayori answered excitedly.

"Really, Sayori? I didn't know you were into history like that." Natsuki commented.

"Yeah! I really love how all the old buildings look. The...there's a specific word that I'm thinking of. Yuri, what's a fancier word for buildings?" Sayori asked her for help.

"Are you thinking of architecture?" Yuri suggested.

"Yes!" Sayori exclaimed, her expression lighting up, "That's the one! I wanna see the cool architecture!"

"I'm looking forward to that as well," Yuri agreed. "The architecture is quite beautiful and impressive for its time. You can tell that a lot of attention went into the small details; it's excellent craftsmanship. So many things about the sites we'll be visiting are like that.

"Sacred symbolism was of the highest important to the culture back then. Every little section is practically oozing with deeper meanings, not unlike a well-written piece of literature, no?" Yuri said with a faint chuckle,

"I'm looking forward to taking it all in." She added with a smile.

"Have you been to Kyoto before, Yuri?" Komi asked curiously, noting that she seemed to know a lot about where they would be going already.

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