Hospital Visits

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"You know the drill, Izuku." Tsukauchi sighs tiredly. He always seems to be tired when he's dealing with Izuku. Can't possibly figure out why.

"No, I don't, actually." Izuku smiles.

"You know that registers as a lie." Tsukauchi pinches the bridge of his nose, and Izuku can feel Tsukauchi's patience quickly fade. Abnormal since he is usually very patient.

"What's got you in such a sour mood?" Izuku's eyes gleam with mischief.

"Why did Toshi choose you as a successor. Did he do this just to spite me?"

"Rude. That hurts, Detective."

"Sensitive subject?" Tsukauchi raises a brow. His curiosity severely outweighs his guilt. Something else abnormal for the Detective.

"You know, I am so very worried for you. You're acting very strange." Izuku's mouth moves before he can stop himself. He says it as a joke, but Tsukauchi knows it's the truth. Izuku hates that quirk, not because he can tell when Izuku is lying, but because he can tell when Izuku isn't lying.

"I really shouldn't be snapping at you, Izuku, I apologize. You're one of the only people who rarely lie." It sends a jolt of fear down Izuku. He feels so exposed, but he doesn't show it.

"Elephants are pink." Izuku states with no emotion.

Tsukauchi let's out a groan.

"So what happened, Tsuki?" Izuku asks again.

"Just irritated with a case. Even with knowing Shigaraki's name, I still can't find a damn thing about him."

"Of course you can't. It's not his real name." Izuku rolls his eyes.

"It's not?"

"It's Shimura Tenko. Even then I doubt you'll find anything about him. Nothing you don't already know, that is."

"Shimura?" An emotion kinda like concern, but is something Izuku can't identify, fills Tsukauchi.

"Please don't tell me that has something to do with you." Izuku groans.

"Not with me..."

"I don't like how you said that."

"Never mind, it's not important. Let's just do what I came in here to do." Tsukauchi sighs.

"Where's Eraser? I thought he'd be here for this."

"For this, I have to ask this separately. Not that I think you would do this, but you could be silently communicating with Shota to make sure your stories line up."

"Alright, that makes sense."

"Ok, Izuku I will now ask you a series of questions about the events that occurred at the USJ." Tsukauchi speaks into his recorder.

"Fire away."

"How did you realize there was going to be an attack before anyone else?"

"I can sense when Kurogiri's portals are about to enter. I felt it and figured he was going to attack."

"True. How are you able to sense his portals?"

Izuku bites his lip. He hates admitting this.

"We trained together. More accurately, we fought each other so if one of us turned, the other could capture or kill them. In that time I was able to sense his portals before they open and he is practically immune to my emotion manipulation."

"True. When you realized they were going to attack, what did you do?"

"I sent Iida to tell the teachers we are under attack. I knew he wouldn't listen, so I...changed his emotions so he would do as I say. It was a necessary action."

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