Training Camp pt 1

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Izuku can see one of Shota's 'logical ruses' coming from a mile away. That's why he doesn't get off when the bus stops and Shota tells the class it's time to stretch their legs. His friends look at him oddly, but he waves them off. He could have warned them, but Shota's a good teacher. He knows what he's doing. Still, he's not going to be tricked.

A few minutes later, Izuku hears screaming classmates fall down the side of the cliff. Then Shota pops into the bus. He probably knew Izuku wouldn't fall for his trick.

"Survival exercise?" Izuku asks.

"They should be back before dinner, so I wouldn't call it survival training."

"Bummer, I remember my first survival training. It was actually kinda fun." Izuku smiles fondly at the memory.

"I wish all my students thought that way."

"No you don't. You enjoy their suffering."

"Only when they're being shit heads."

"Fair enough." Izuku looks out the window, into the woods where he can sense the dread, terror and complete betrayal of his friends, but he also senses something else. A sense of... wrongness. He has no clue why, though.

"Is something bothering you?" How Shota is so attuned to Izuku's feelings, Izuku will never know, but he won't complain either. Not anymore, anyway.

"Is this place truly safe? Like, we can't be attacked how we were at the USJ?"

"We are as safe as we possibly can be. There's a reason why I didn't tell the class where we're going until we already left. There's no way they could have blabbed to anyone. Besides, not even all of the staff knows where we are. Plus, no one knows about this, but we have a few heroes at the closest hotel. If we are attacked, which is a very low chance, it will take those heroes ten minutes, tops, to reach us."

"Ten minutes? A lot of damage can be done in ten minutes."

"Don't you think your classmates and us pros deserve a little more credit? I think we can manage ten minutes against them. Especially since we have a few defensive precautions against them."

"But you really don't think they'll attack us here?"

"I doubt they can even find us."

"I'll trust you." Izuku decides.


Izuku can't say he's too fond of that little brat, Kota. Not after being kicked in the balls by him. That being said, he can understand him. Izuku used to hate heroes as well. A good portion of them suck, but there are a few good ones. Now, it's late at night and Izuku can't sleep, not when there's someone with such a huge amount of hatred emitting from them. That's why he's currently walking around in the middle of the night, searching for a kid who's up way past his bed time.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Comes the voice of a hateful little shit.

"That's my line you shit head." Kota merely glares at Izuku. "So, do you wanna tell me what your problem is with heroes."

"What's the point? You'll just blindly defend those heroes, wannabe." Kota scoffs.

"I was forced into this, thank you very much." Izuku mocks offense.

"So you don't wanna be a hero?" Kota's interest certainly seems peeked.

"Not really. I was perfectly happy being a vigilante."

"Hero, vigilante, you both have a stupid death wish." Kota rolls his eyes.

"Only the good heroes. There's plenty of heroes who are way too cocky, yet refuse to do anything if their ego subsides for half a second for them to realize they're going to lose. Then they don't care how many innocents die. So long as they survive, they'll sacrifice anything to live."

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