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"Izuku, this is why I trained you. This is what you're meant to do. This is your only purpose for living. You are to protect Tomura Shigaraki at any cost. Even if that means dying." Doctor says.

"I don't want this twerp. He gets on my nerves. Kurogiri is enough. I don't need to be protected by a kid." Shigaraki crosses his arms. Izuku has never felt this much hatred come from one person. It scares him, but he knows better than to show it.

"I'm sure Kurogiri is enough on his own, but, now that you have more control over your quirk, someone more tangible will be a fine addition." Shigaraki doesn't budge. "He will be completely under your control so long as you don't kill him."

"He will do anything I say?" Doctor nods and Izuku understands, Shigaraki is his master. "Jump." Izuku thinks it's a weird request, but he does it. "So he does anything I say if I don't kill him. Can I hurt him?"

Doctor thinks for a moment before smiling kindly at Shigaraki. "Yes."

Shigaraki reaches out to Izuku with a wide grin. He makes contact, Izuku screams.


"I am legally required to introduce this student as the ex vigilante, Bunny. He is attending UA to be a hero, same as you." Shota begins. He's never had to give this kind of speech, so he just decides to be as blunt as possible.

"Liar. I'm only attending UA because I was forced to." Izuku crosses his arms and sticks his tongue out at Shota.

"You had a choice."

"Did not."

"You can walk out the door right now." Izuku stays silent. "Get to your seat."

The class wants to ask questions. Oh, so many questions, but it's hard to say anything when the guy looks like... that. He has a scar in the shape of a hand on his face. Like someone placed their hand directly onto his face, but on his feet are Miruko themed shoes. It's just weird and hard to take serious, especially since they light up when he walks.

"I understand that you may have questions, but they will not be answered. His time as a vigilante is classified, so any questions about it will not be answered. Is that understood?" Shota gives them a firm stare.

"Yes, Sensei." The class responds unanimously.


Katsuki knows this vigilante is Izuku, his Izuku. He knows it like he knows his own house. He looks exactly like him, and there's this... thing about him that's just Izuku. He looks older, acts differently, has a darker look in his eyes than he used to, but it's still Izuku. Even if he became a vigilante which is oddly both exactly and not even close to how the old Izuku would do. That Izuku, wouldn't have even dreamed of breaking a rule let alone a law, but if he were to break one, he'd break it to save someone because that's just how Izuku is. Always saving people whether they want it or not.

This is actually Katsuki's second time seeing him ever since Izuku die- he's clearly not dead so disappeared seems like a better word. When he first saw Izuku, he felt too shocked to say anything. His emotions were such a blur even in that moment. Doubt was the most prominent, he remembers that much, at least. It was when that damned sludge monster attacked him. At first he thought it was the lack of oxygen getting to him, but then he heard Izuku speak.

"You can't charge me with shit. I didn't use my quirk, so it's not vigilantism. I know the agreement, and I haven't broken it. Also, I did your stupid job for you, so I expect reimbursement for the milk I threw at his eye."

That was his voice, but where did that backbone come from? Also, he's quirkless. Why is he making it sound as if he had a choice? Then again, they were so young when he was diagnosed. It's possible he developed a quirk in that time.

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