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"Fuck! Fuck! Fucking hell!"

He grunted, pulling at his hair while pacing around his room. This wasn't supposed to happen, this isn't what his life is supposed to be!


His eyes shot to his phone seeing it light up from his bed.

No. This can't be happing. He won't give in.


It went off again setting him off. Screaming nonsense he grabbed the book off his desk slamming it on top of his phone.

"Shit!" He hissed instantly rushing to see if it were alright. Damn it he fucking cracked it of course he did.

With a snarl his chest expanded from his heavy breath.


His eyes winded at the message sent to him, in craved into his mind like a tombstone.

You have forty minutes before this is released

He read over the address sent to him before seeing the explicit pictures of him and Soobin together.

~(a few weeks prior)~

"Alright class, that about wraps things up, enjoy your break." Soobin closed the text book and shut off the power point, the bell rung instantly after and the students began to leave.

~knock knock~

He glanced to the open door, seeing Yeonjun standing there, bag thrown over one shoulder.

"Ah Yeonjun. Come in."

He spoke professionally due to not being alone.

"I'll be with you in just a moment." He gestured him to stand near his desk as he showed the last few students out, wishing them well holidays.

He could feel eyes peering on him, to a place he shouldn't be looking.

Once the last student left he dusted off his suit and locked the door behind him.

"You still coming over tonight?"

His voice softened to its natural soft breathiness, taking his steps in front of him with a smile.

"Depends. Are parents gonna be there?"

He giggled at his smirk and innocently shook his head. "I think they're done pestering us for awhile."

With that they locked hands and left together. At his place they sat cuddling on his couch, eating a meal they made together, watching a movie they had seen a hundreds times by now. Truthfully it was more for background noise, because neither of them could pay much attention to anything expect for the unsteady breathing and un-rhythmical betas if their hearts.

It's crazy how it's been several months since they gotten together, and still each moment shared between them left them both excited, giddy, and nervous all at once.


The first few times Yeonjuns phone went off he ignored, but this were the tenth time in the last fives minutes.

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