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summary: you find a box of old photos, bringing you back to some old memories and making some unexpected phone calls

you were sitting in your attic, sifting through boxes of old photos. there were old family photos, some from highschool, graduation photos, etc.

that's when you opened the cousin's beach photo box. inside were all different photos with sussanah and laurel, belly and the boys, the beautiful beaches, the summer carnival.

it immeadiately takes you back to some of the memories you had there.


"jere! wait up!" you yelled at the two of you ran down the wooden boardwalk, the boards creaking beneath you.

every summer, these boardwalks became one of your favorite past times. the kids would spend all day working their butts off for whatever prize they had their eye on that year.

that summer, jeremiah had been determined to win you a stuffed elephant that you'd fallen in love with at a ring toss stand. he'd spent half the summer playing those games to win you that damn elephant.

he had already made it to the stand by the top you caught up. you watched him hand a five to the vendor. the vendor knew you both well at that point, considering you'd been here half of the summer already.

you watched as the curly headed boy tossed the small shaped rings onto the glass bottles. shot after shot, today was finally his day. he scored all three.

you heard cheerful shouts from the little boy, watching as he was handed the stuffed grey elephant.

he pridefully took it in his arms and handed it to you. "i know how much you've been wanting him." you snuggle the grey fluffy elephant into your chest. "his name is going to be peanut." yoh say proudly. jeremiah smiles and puts an arm around your shoulder, walking you back down the boardwalk and into the cousin's beach house.


you glanced down at the photo sussanah had taken on her poloroid that day. jeremiah had an arm around your waist, with you showing the big grey stuffed animal to the camera. it had the date written down and everything.

it had been a few years since you'd spoken to the boys at this point. after sussanah's funeral and all the issues with the house, everyone had gone their seperate ways.

you didn't remember how or when, but you looked down at your cellphone in your hands, and your thumb was hovering over the call button on jeremiah's contact.

you push down, and you hear your phone hum and begin to ring. you bring it up to your ear, not sure whether you did or didn't want him to pick up.

"y/n? what's going on?" jeremiah asked, a sleepy tone present in his voice, but he was immediately alert by the fact you called after all this time.

"i miss you." you mutter out, before you could even think to stop yourself. the two of you hadn't spoken in ears, and that was the first thing you chose to say to him?

"i miss you too." he admits, calming down at the fact you were okay and not in any danger.

in the end, the two of you stayed up talking for hours, catching up, getting to know about what's been happening in each others lives. it was just as it used to be.

maybe it could stay this way.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 || 𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐏 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now