Chapter 2

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*Vernon's POV*
This was it. I was leaving America to come back to Korea. My home. I haven't been there for a very long time. Almost three years. My mom, who is American, met my dad when she was on a trip to Korea. And they got married and had me. My dad wanted to see family back in Seoul, so here I am getting on a plane from California to Korea.
I look down at my ticket and it read D32. I showed the flight attendant and she nicely pointed to my seat. I quickly ran my hands through my hair walking towards my seat. My mother behind me, sat by me.
I found my seat and went by the window.
"Vernon, please sleep well. You need it for tomorrow." My omma spoke gently.
"Ne. I got it." I put my stuff down and looked out the window.
Soon enough, the plane was off the ground and the cars below me looked like toys. And the boats looked so small. I quickly hooked my phone into my headphones and played music. My eyes began to feel heavy and sleep took over my body.
"Vernon, food is coming." My omma woke me up.
"Mmmm. " I woke up.
I ate in peace and the rest of the plane ride was torture with no sleep. ANI SLEEP!
"We will be landing at the Incheon Airport soon. Please put on your seat belts and enjoy your time in Korea."
I put on my seat belt and looked outside the window. We flew through the clouds and Korea appeared. It looked nothing like California. Less green.
The wheels came in contact with the lovely earth and I felt at home.
Once the plane was parked we got off. My father and mother by my side tried to look for grandpa.
"Grandpa!" I found my grandpas bald head.
"Vernon! You are so big. My boy already turning to a man." He pat my head.
I smiled and hugged my parents.
We all went to the luggage claim and grabbed our bags. We found grandpas car and drove to his house.
Before I knew it, I was back at the place I use to roam when I was small.
The house felt smaller now. I use to believe it was a mansion. I walked up the stairs to the door of my old room. I slowly twisted the door knob and opened it.
My bed was still a race car and planes were hanging from the ceiling. Everything looked the same. A bit dusty though. I laughed to myself.
"Oppa?" I heard the door creak behind me.
My sister stood there with a pink dress on and her hair back.
"Tanyeol?" I get up and ran to hug her. She was so small.
Tanyeol is my sister who was sent here when she was four years old. My parents didn't have enough money to take care of her so my grandparents suggested they take them.
She was so big and so pretty.
"Oppa, you are so handsome!" She touched my hair.
"You are so beautiful, darling." I smile at her.
Her small head came to my chest with another hug.
I missed her.
"Oh my. Tanyeol! You're so big!" My parents came in the room and hugged me and her.
"Omma, oppa!" She giggled.
I soon settled in my room while my grandparents started looking for a mattress for my room.
I took down all my childish stuff and put up what I liked.
My desk was all set up with art.
I loved to draw. It was one of my talents. I was good at drawing things in front of me. I hoped to find something here that will inspire me.
"Anyan!" My sister walked in my room.
"Anyan, tanyeol. " I say.
She jumped in my bed and cuddled into me.
"I'm so glad your home oppa." She kissed my cheek.
"I'm glad I am too." I smile.
"How long will you stay?"
"I hope forever." I ran my hands through her hair.
"Can we go to a park, Vernon. Please please!" She yanked my hand.
"Yes, okay we will." I got up and put on my shoes and headed out with tanyeols hand in mine.
"We are almost there, oppa." She giggled and skipped.
She was adorable. She could get any boys heart. But if a boy hurts her I will hurt them!
"Here we are! The park!" She smiled.
We ran through a dirt path surrounded by many trees. It was like we were in a jungle. Birds flying over head and the wind blowing.
We went over a bridge to a park.
The park was beautiful.
A nice play structure for kids. And brick wall on the other side. I want to draw in here.
"Push me oppa!" Tanyeol got on the swing.
"Okay, I'm coming." I ran over to her and pushed her.
"WEEEE!" She giggled.
I think I'll have a good time here.
Thank you! I'm so tired. Okay bye bye. Just saying these facts in the story aren't all true. I'm just making it up as I go. Thank you!

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