Chapter 4

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*vernons POV*
I stayed awake that night. Her blue eyes in my head. I kept repeating her actions and the way her lips made a thin line. The way her fingers laced together making me wonder if her hands could fit in mine that perfectly.
I wished to sleep but I couldn't. My mind said no. I kept looking at the drawings I drew of her and detailed it more.
I found my inspiration.
I saw the first light of the sun come through my window and I groaned loudly.
I got up and hopped in the shower. I was so exhausted. My muscles felt weak and my mind wouldn't work. I used face wash in my hair on accident.
"VERNON!!!" I heard my sister yell and knock on the door.
I laughed and turned off the water. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out.
"That was an hour long shower!" She poked my stomach.
"It was?" I ask.
She shook her head and laughed.
I must have been thinking of the girl at the park way too long. Damn you. Whoever you are.
I went into my room and put on some clothes.
"Vernon! Come eat!!"
"Coming, omma!" I yell back.
I run downstairs towards the kitchen and smelled bacon and eggs.
"My favorite!" I smile.
"We wanted to make you feel good on your first morning here." Grandpa said smiling.
I bowed slightly and grabbed some food.
My stomach churned below me. I was so hungry. This will be my fuel for today.
"Vernon? Why are you taking so much food? I need some to grow!" Tanyeol said pulling on my loose tanktop.
"Theres still some left." I smile down at her and walk to the table.
I was a little more awake after that great meal. My stomach no longer growled.
I was constiplating on going back to the park tonight. She might not be there again. Maybe I'll go at 11:30pm this time.
I'll go! Yes!
*averys POV*
That night I slept poorly. Only 3 hours of sleep. I still thought of those brown eyes. I couldn't help but feel so curious. Thoughts racing through my mind. I wonder if that person is thinking about me to? Maybe.
The day went by slow and I did nothing except sing and dance to music. No sign of my parents.
Soon the moonlight was shining through my lonely home and I put on a jacket.
Perhaps I could see those eyes again. I pray that I will.
The clock marked 12:00am and I walked to the park.
*vernons POV*
I arrived at the park at 11:48pm. When I went across the bridge and the park was revealed my eyes traveled to the brick wall which remained alone. I smiled to myself but was saddened that the girl wasn't there.
I went to the red brick wall, and sat down on the cold concrete ground.
I pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing the park. The lights were on but I'm sure they were gonna turn off soon. I quickly drew.
The lights around me shut off and only a streetlight was alive.
I continued to sketch what I remembered.
I heard a person clear their throat by me.
Beside me was the girl I saw yesterday.
Shit. She was beautiful. I looked away and focused on my drawing. My heart was thumping and I was afraid she could hear it.
The girl did nothing.
Literally nothing except stare out into the darkness.
"Why are you here?" She spoke.
"W-what?" I don't look at her.
"Why are you here at midnight. It's cold." She looked at me.
"Same goes to you, miss." I say.
"Nobody comes here.." She says.
I didn't say anything and continued to draw.
"When did you find this place?" She asked.
"U-uh yesterday. My little sister showed me it." I never looked up.
"Did you come here at night?"
"Why all the questions?" I say.
"Because I can." She spoke and I could feel her smirk.
"Well no." I lie.
I decided it was getting cold. So I got up.
"You leaving?" The girl spoke.
"Yeah. You have a problem with that?" I look at her.
"No. I get my peace now. Bye" she smiled to herself and looked up at me.
I look away and kept walking.
She is officially weird.
*averys POV*
I walked into the park and found a boy on my brick wall. Anger built up inside me.
His hair fell over his face that I couldn't see. A sketch book was in his lap and he drew with a pencil.
I walked up to the brick wall in hope that he would leave. I cleared my throat and sat down. I felt his stare on me. I waited for him to leave so I could be alone. He never did. Ugh. What a dick.
"Why are you here?"
"W-what?" He stuttered. Oh my.
He didn't look up.
"Why are you here at midnight. It's cold." I say.
"Same goes to you miss." His words hit me and I started to feel cold.
I sat there in silence.
"Nobody comes here...."
He stayed silent and I looked over at him. His hair was still over his face. And he kept drawing.
"When did you find this place?"
"U-uh yesterday. My sister showed me it."
"Did you come at night?" I said.
"Why so many questions?" He spoke up.
"Because I can." I smiled to myself.
"Well no."
I sighed feeling stupid. He isn't the eyes. I shivered.
I saw him get up. To be completely honest I didn't want him to leave yet. He made me feel a bit more at ease.
"You leaving?" I ask all of a sudden.
"Yeah. You got a problem with that?" He stopped in front of me and I looked up to meet his eyes.
The brown eyes.
It was him. I knew it.
"No. I get my peace now." I say.
I couldn't escape his stare. He was so handsome. His features perfect. His nose perked up a little. His upper lip thin and his bottom thick. His neck freckle.
He shrugged and kept walking. I didn't want him to go.
I watched him walk to the bridge. He didn't look back though.
I sighed as his presence was gone. I let the loneliness creep up to me.
Goodbye mystery boy.
Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed. Please comment what you think! :))

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