Chapter 3

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Grace hit the floor with a hard thud.

"Fuck!" she curses as she opened her eyes. She glance up to the ceiling before looking around to realize she was in her living room. She must've slept on the couch last night. She sat up with a deep breath before heading into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

While the coffee was brewing, Grace buried her head in her arms on the counter. Last night was a blur, but one face was completely clear. She can't believe that after months, she finally sees Bucky again and she's a total and complete drunken mess.

The ringing of her phone jolts her heart into a new rhythm. She lifts her head and quickly answers to stop the loud ringing.

"Uh, yeah." she answers dropping her head back to her arms.

"You have no idea how much I would pay to see how totally and completely hungover you are right now." came Colin's voice. "I remember the days of yester-morrow, drunk Grace was a trip, but that hangover would hit you hard."

"Shut up." she muttered glancing over to the clock on the wall. "You get Trey to school?"

"Yep, I even got him up early enough to get breakfast before."

Grace snorted. "And he didn't put up a fuss for waking him up. That boy is not a morning person."

"I think he was too tired to let me have it, but he ate his pancakes and we got to school early enough to greet Walters."

"Your seventy year old girlfriend." Grace laughed as she lifted her head at the sound of the coffee maker finishing. She stood to grab a cup. "If you two get married, would she be Trey's step mom or his step grandma?"

"Whatever smartass, you want me stop by? I could whip up my miracle hangover cure and you can tell me about your night."

"You and your hangover cure can stay the hell away from me. I don't want nothing to do with that poison."

Colin laughed. "Fine, it does taste like garbage water, but it works."

"No thank you, I'll get over my hangover the old fashion way." she poured her coffee into her mug before adding a bit a cream and sugar.

"Ok, well there is something I wanted to talk you about. I was kind of hoping for a face to face conversation."

"What are you-" Grace's head perked up at the sound of her front door opening and closing and she walked out of the kitchen stopping and letting out a sigh at the sight of Colin.

"In my defense, I didn't want to make your hangover worse by ringing the doorbell." he said. Grace narrowed her eyes at the man before hanging up the phone and going back into the kitchen.

When Colin walked into the kitchen, he found Grace standing at the back door, looking out to the backyard. A smile came to his lips as she turned and looked over to him.

"Why are you smiling like a weirdo?"

He rolled his eyes before moving around the counter to grab a coffee mug.

"You sure do know how to ruin a moment, don't you Grace?" he glanced over to her as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked walking over to take a seat at the counter. She noticed he let out a nervous breath and she suddenly got an idea. "You're dating someone, aren't you?" he lifted his eyes to her with a furrowed brow. "Wait, it's not really Trey's teacher, because Colin-"

"I'm not dating Trey's teacher." he huffed before moving to take a seat beside her.

"So then who is it, someone from the office. Some blonde secretary?"

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