Chapter 6

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Grace didn't sleep. After walking away from Bucky, and stepping onto that plane, there's a certain comfort she no longer has. The feeling of safety is gone, and she's back to being on alert.

Grace heard a groan from the seat across from her. She glanced over just as Yelena opened her eyes and stretched.

"Did you sleep?" Yelena asked but Grace didn't answer as she turned away. "You know you asked me to be here. Just put the shit out there so we can move forward."

"There is no moving forward Yelena." Grace turned back to her. "Your cover has been blown. I called you here as back up. Plus I know you're answering to Natasha who probably has leads on the woman who I thought was my mother. Once we put this shit to bed, you and me won't even need to breathe the same air."

"You get mean when you're angry." Yelena sighed. "But I know the truth. I am not another person in your life pretending to be something I'm not."

"That's exactly who you are," Grace turned back to her. "You were assigned to get close to me, pretend to be my friend—"

"Who said I was pretending to be your friend. I was assigned to watch you. That's it. I could do that from any distance, but you started to get suspicious. You started to realize I was following you, so that day in the library, I just—I decided to go a different way."

"Right, lie."

"I never lied to you Grace and I never pretended to be your friend. Believe it or not you are a very likable person. Being your friend wasn't hard."

"I guess I just wasn't the type of friend you tell that you're a secret spy sent to watch me." Grace scoffed before turning to look out the window. She could see land which meant they would be landing soon. "Look I don't care. Right now I just want to see my son."

Yelena just sat back in her seat, deciding to just not say anything else.

When they finally landed, Grace was the first to unbuckle her seat belt and hurry from the plane. She glanced over to the small airport, and practically ran inside. The moment she saw Trey, it was like a weight of relief lifted off of her shoulders. She'd been worried about him the entire time she was gone, wanting only this moment. Where he was standing in front of her.

He didn't notice her at first. Grace glance over to the woman standing beside him and suddenly became annoyed. The blonde standing beside Trey seemed to laugh at something he said before glancing over and spotting Grace. She nudged her head and muttered something before Trey turned. The moment Trey saw his mother, his eyes lit up and he jumped to his feet and ran to her, throwing his arms around her in a tight hug.

"Mama!" he yelled and Grace nearly broke down in tears.

Grace pressed kisses to his face as she hugged him back. "I missed you so, so much baby." she pulled back to get a look at him, smiling as she slides her finger through his curly hair. She looks over to Natasha who is now talking with Yelena.  "So—" she turned back to Trey. "You ready for an adventure with your mama?"

"In Louisiana, mama?" Trey asked and Grace just laughed. "I saw a bug, this big!" Grace looked over to see him holding his hands out.

"Well this is the south, and there are bugs and you will be alright. Where are your bags?" Trey pulled away and hurried over to Natasha to grab his little Captain America rolling suit case, and his duffle bag. Grace grabbed the duffle bag and tossed it over her arm before glancing over to Natasha wordlessly with a roll of her eyes. She took Trey's hand and pulled him with her toward the door.

Natasha stood beside Yelena watching the woman and her son. "Oh, so she's pissed." she glanced over to Yelena who nods.

"Yeah, but she has Trey so maybe it won't be so bad." Yelena replied and Natasha just lets out a snort. "You get anything on Faith?"

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