Chapter 8

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The GRC was having a Conference in New York to discuss what will happen to those displaced by the blip. The moment Sam saw the news report about the conference and Torres informed him of a ping they recently flagged in New York,  it was obvious. The Flag Smashers were going to attack the GRC.

Sam spent the last couple of days training himself, getting used to maneuvering the shield. Right now, there was no more training, no more getting himself ready. It was time to be the person he knew he could be. It's why he stood above the case Bucky brought him from the Wakandans, a suit that made him pause for a second. Captain America. He'd been trying to wrap his head around the title. And honestly, the more he held that shield, felt the weight of it in his hands, he thinks it started to happen.

On his way to the airport he figured he'd need all hands on deck, and so he started making calls.

Grace watched the movie playing on her television, not really paying attention to it at all. Trey was spending the weekend with Colin. It had been just a few days, but she and Colin still weren't speaking. They didn't want Trey to be affected by it. So for now, for him, they kept his routines the same.

"I don't get it."

Grace looked over to Bucky who'd shown up not too long after Trey had gone. He put on a movie, in hopes of getting her mind off everything going on with her family. She hadn't told him about the conversation with Colin because she knew how he'd react and she really didn't want to create any more drama.

"Why are all these movies, people in masks are supposed to be scary?" Bucky glanced over to Grace hoping she could explain it to him. "I'm scary without a mask." They'd watched a few so called horror movies, that just seemed to be filled with people in masks killing people. She didn't say anything, a small smile on her face as she looked at him. He held her gaze for a moment before reaching for the remote and turning the television off. "Alright, enough is enough, just tell me."

"Tell you what, James?"

"What happened with Colin?" He turned and waited for to say something. Yelena had already told him about her finding Grace that night, and how upset she was, but wouldn't tell her about what. He hoped when he came over, she's just come out with it on her own, but the fact she was avoiding it all together, just may him that much more curious.

Grace turned away, her eyes looking back to the blank screen of the television.

"You talked to Yelena."

"I did, and now I'm talking to you. So tell me, what happened?"

Grace looked over to him and bit the corner of her lip before letting out a groan. She turned her body to face him.

"Fine, but before I say anything, I need you to promise you will keep your shit together."

He knew it. Bucky scoffed with a slight shake of his head. He turned back to Grace and just nods.

"Alright, sure, tell me."

"Colin is submitting a request to a judge to get shared custody of Trey. He freaked when I took Trey and didn't tell him. He wants some kind of input in the decision making when it comes to Trey, especially when he thinks I'm bringing him into dangerous situations." Bucky huffed as he turned away from her, but he didn't say anything. "Look, I'm going to find a lawyer and I'm going to figure this out."

"You shouldn't have to." Bucky glanced over to her. "He's been a fucking parent, for what, five minutes, and he really has the nerve to pull something like this." He shook his head. "You should've never let him get close either of you." Bucky looked over to Grace who just turned away at his words and he let out a sigh because he put his foot in his mouth. "Gray, I didn't—"

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