Chapter 7

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The next morning, Grace was up early. She'd gotten maybe a few hours of sleep before her eyes opened and wouldn't close again. She finally gave up trying before she sat up and glanced over to the flip phone on the table beside the bed. She lightly bit the inside of her cheek as she grabbed the phone and before she could talk herself out of it, she dials Colin's number.

It rings once before he answers. "Hello? Grace? Is that you."

"Yeah." she exhales nervously. "It's me."

"Is everything alright? Is Trey ok?"

Grace let Trey call Colin, but it was a short call to let the man know that they were alright. She's sure Colin was still completely upset over it.

"Trey's fine."

"Where are you?"


"Where are you?! Where is my son?!"

"Colin we're safe, and we're coming home tomorrow. You can see him then."

"You had no right to take him. No you had no right to send a fucking ex assassin to just take him away from me. I am his father—"

"And I am his mother." Grace stood to her feet and paced the floor as the emotions she was trying to keep at bay started spilling out of her. "Do you even get what that means? I carried him for nine months. He grew inside of my body before he was brought into the world. And then after that, I spent every waking moment making sure he was safe and healthy and happy. Me, all by myself. So don't you ever tell me what I have the right to do with my son. We're coming home tomorrow and you can see him then."  she ended the call, groaning as she tossed the phone on the bed, before stalking out of the room.

When Grace came downstairs, she walked toward the kitchen, but her eyes glanced over into the living room to find the couch empty. She sighed before continuing to the kitchen where she found that Sarah had all three boys up and dressed and eating breakfast.

"Looks like I'm missing all the fun." Grace came into the kitchen and placed a kiss to Trey's head.

"Ma, no kisses, please." he whines and Grace just kissed him again.

"One day you are going to miss your mama's kisses." Grace slid a hand over his head before walking over to grab a mug. She cast a glance out the window, then turned at the quiet laughter from Sarah who was standing beside her, sipping her coffee.

"Sam went to go work on the boat, and Bucky went with him." Sarah glanced over to Grace who just nods before walking over to pour herself a cup of coffee. Sarah slipped beside her once again to whisper the question she'd been dying to ask "So you want to tell what happened with you two last night?"

"What makes you think something happened?" Grace whispered back, moving around the woman to get some sugar and creamer.

"Well a blanket I had in the garage is in the washing machine, and I heard you creeping back to your room in the middle of the night." Sarah watched as Grace tried to play coy, not even looking her way as she continues to spoon sugar into her coffee before pouring in some creamer. "You really not going to tell me?"

"Girl, tell you what?" Grace glanced over to her, and a smile came to Sarah's face.

"Maybe why you're all glowy this morning."

"Well you're the one with all the assumptions this morning, I'm sure you can put two and two together and figure it out." Grace turned away to once again glance out the window.

"I knew it. I knew it the moment he showed up and you couldn't take your eyes off of him." Sarah nudged Grace's arm still laughing. "You're keeping that blanket by the way. I'd probably get struck down if I walked in church with that thing after whatever you two did with it."  Grace just let out a snort.

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