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Lucia POV,

I wake up, my alarm blaring in my ear. Great Thursday I let out an annoying groan as I lift my legs to the side of my bed "why do we always fucking have games on Wednesday". I walk over to my small body mirror and look at myself. I'm wearing a baggy orange Halloween shirt with my black boxers.

"Oh Dios mío, en realidad me veo sexy ahora mismo" I say to the emptiness in my room, I give myself finger guns and make a click sound with my mouth. I walk into the hall and open the closet at the top of the stairs i grab a towel and go into the bathroom.

I strip myself of clothes and pull back the curtain, turning on the hot water I step under the shower head. Wetting my hair I grab the shampoo bottle opining it and squeezing it into my hand I rub it in my hair and wash it. I do the same thing with my conditioner.
I hop out of the shower and grab the towel and use it to soak up the water I put on my boxers and my white and purple striped shirt around me and walk to my room I open my closet "I fucking hate uniforms" I speak to no one as I grab a white button up with a blackbelt, And navy blue dress pants.

"Where the hell is my tie" just then I hear my door bang open I slowly turn around to see my dog king with it in its mouth "KING YOU MOTHER FUCKER"
I tell as I jump to catch him but he dodges. "MIERDA" I get up and run after him.

Amelia POV.

I wake up, I don't need an alarm I just wake up on time I don't know why I just do. I look at the clock in my wall 5:00 I sigh and get up walking to my bathroom I have towels in there thank god I take off my pj's and hop in the shower I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner at the same time. It saves me a lot of time, I grab my body wash and squeeze it in my loofa I start humming cool for the summer as I clean myself damn i haven't heard that song ever since I was 14 I think as I continue showering.

I get out and grab a towel I check my phone and see my notifications 99+ from pensta 1 missed call and 1 message I check tap in the missed call to see it's from bocha she left me a voicemail I click speaker as I listen "LiA hOw ar-  *hic* yOU I sORTa need a RiDE..." there was a long pause before it ended I sigh as I click my messages.

It's from my older sister it reads  " I'm sorry about last night it's not fair that you have to go through this with mom, me and Ed are here for you!" I respond with "k" and put my phone down I know i should be so cold to them it's just hard they live in there own world and do whatever the hell they want while I've been living the same life for over a decade I walk out into my room . I already have my clothes set on my chair.

I put on my navy blue skirt and white button up as I neatly tuck it into my skirt and grab my blue tie that matches with my skirt  I put on my white doc martins to match my outfit and go to the bathroom to try to tame my hair I blow dry it then put it up in my signature half and half hairstyle, I put on some foundation and mascara then walk back into my room and grab my backpack and phone then I go downstairs. It's already 6:30 the cooks have prepared breakfast I hear shuffling as I walk past dad's work room. Must have pulled an all nighter working. I never see my dad I mean I don't even think he knows he has 2 daughters and a son.

I walk to the kitchen but I am stopped by a hand on my shoulder ITS THE DEVIL HERE TO TORTURE ME-  "Amelia dear, sit with me we need to talk" no even worse it was... my mother.

I give her a nod as I follow her to up the stairs and into her office  and sit down in front of her desk as she sits behind it "Amelia, the teacher emailed me and said you were on your phone during class." "I can explain-" I am interrupted by a backhand to my face. I clench my teeth and my eyes water in pain. I look up to my mom and see her cold icy glair. "Don't do it again Amelia or you won't get food for three days." "Yes mother" I say then I walk out of her office and back into my room I close my door and lean my back against it holding back tears I clench my fist my eyes start watering from the pain from the slap not the pain from the person that gave me my name hating me for being alive. right that's the only reason i'm crying like a pussy.

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