Chapter Two

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Kagome looked at the pokemon that was contained with a mixture of sadness as she bit her lip trying to suppress her cries.

"Mewtwo" Kagome whispered, "That is your name."

Warmth filled her mind again, making the tears fall down her cheeks once more, "I'm so sorry...this isn't right...I'm sorry!"

Confusion was pushed into her mind, and she knew the pokemon didn't understand. It was confused by her actions...and her words. She brought out of her apology from a voice snarling behind her.

"It is science! Nothing is bad about what we are doing!" a voice said behind her making Kagome turn and look who was there.

It was the Doctor, the one in charge of everything. And he was someone Kagome detested with a passion.

"I don't know why he insisted on sending you here to help, you know nothing of science!" the doctor ranted grabbing her arm and dragging her away.

"If you don't like what we are doing here, you are no longer welcomed." He snarled, eyes narrowed as he dragged her out of the room.

"W-wait!" Kagome yelped as she tried to get free, but it was no use he was stronger than her.

'I'm sorry I can't help you more...' Kagome thought as she continued to get dragged away from the experimental pokemon, 'I'm sorry I can't help you so sorry'

What she didn't know was, those words and her speaking to Mewtwo had made a big impact and would come to help her later in life.

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