Chapter Seven

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Kagome gave a small smile as she watched all the Pokemon play, the three new people, Misty, Brock, and Ash, were watching them as well. Brock had fed all the pokemon already, his special blend of pokefood.

They were all just waiting for the stew she was making to be done. She lifted the lid on the pot that was over the fire and smiled seeing the steam come off it as she took the spoon and gave it a good stir. It looked to be done.

That was good. She was starving and could only guess that the other three travelers were as well.

"Food is done," Kagome called out as she reached for the bowls. She had bought bread in the last town, so each would get a slice to go with the stew. She scooped the meal into the bowls, setting it on the small tray she had unfolded. It was small when packed, but now fully put together she could fit four bows and the bread on it. She made sure to put a spoon in each bowl before standing up and making her way to the table.

"Here you go." She set the food down and smiled seeing the starry-eyed looks the three had at the sight of it.

"So where are you guys heading to?" Kagome inquired as she slowly ate her food. She could tell they were trainers, from how Ash had talked he seemed to be on a mission to be the best trainer out there. He had a ways to go, he was still young, but she could tell he was putting his all into it.

"We are heading to the next gym that is a few towns away," Misty told Kagome as she gave a piece of bread to the Togepi who gave a sound of appreciation.

"That sounds exciting. Are all three of you hoping to battle the Gym leader?" She was curious, they traveled together but she didn't know if they all had the same goal in mind.

"No, just Ash." Misty laughed, glancing at the boy who was still shoveling food into his mouth. She shook her head at this before looking to the older woman before her.

"I want to be a Water Pokemon expert. I want to catch and learn more about water types and become a stronger fighter along with my Pokemon." Misty spoke, a soft smile on her face. She loved her water pokemon and had learned a lot on this journey so far...even if at times things got annoying.

"I'm studying to become a Pokemon Breeder. I want to learn all I can, and traveling to different places, meeting new people, and seeing new Pokemon are helping me." Brock grinned, as he took a bite of his food.

Kagome was about to speak more when a huge gust of wind came through and a Pokemon, a Dragonite to be exact, landed not that far from them.

Kagome couldn't help the feeling of something bad coming when she saw the Pokemon hold out an envelope to them.

Ash hurried from his seat and grabbed the envelope, a disk falling out. Kagome and the other two came closer as a hologram showed itself. And with this message, an adventure was beginning.

Greetings Pokemon trainers...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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