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Practice 2 was amazing. Max was the first, I was second and Alonso was third, leaving Carlos for the fourth place. After that, everyone went to rest, tomorrow is the qualifying after all. But still Max and I were the ones who needed to train daily, specially our legs. Because Max always get cramps and they hurt so bad and I always have too for my full healing process. It's now 8pm and Max didn't text me yet, and neither did I. Right now I'm ready to go, I wore my white plain oversized t-shirt, and a pair of black leggings, raising my hair in a ponytail, and when I'm ready to go, I'll wear my black sneakers.

My phone vibrated.
It must be Max.

I open WhatsApp and see that it's Carlos who texted me, not Max.



What are you doing right now or for the night?

I'm going for a jog with Max :))

Ah okay!
See you soon then! Have fun🤍


Then my phone vibrates again and this time it's my mom checking up on me, I send her a voice message telling her everything and that I'm soon about to leave and we talk a bit.

After that I put my phone on silent, the doorbell rings, this time it must be Max. Even tho we agreed on meeting up in the waiting area.
I go and open the door. And it is him.
He's wearing some black Puma shorts and a tight black turtle neck shirt, will it be cold? Should I get a jacket? I don't know...

"Hi!" He says.
"Hello! Ready for the run?"
"You mean, ready for the race?" We both chuckle at his words, at that moment, I grabbed the keys of my room and leave with Max, who's waiting for me to go.

We take the stairs, as a small form stretching before our run. "Where are we gonna run?" I ask, Max said that it will be tiring a lot but helpful for us, "The track of Silverstone itself." He reveals, "The track? I never thought of that! Can we really go and jog?" He nods, as I knew from before, we can do our interviews and team trainings in there, but never knew that we could go in whenever I want to for a jog.

We enter the area, using Max's entry card cause I didn't know I needed mine, we went in and there was only one person from the Aston Martin's team. Max and I salute that guy and go out on the track. "We should run laps?" I ask, after all, I'm not in a car, there is no way I can do more than one. "What? No! One lap is enough!" Max says laughing. I felt that I turned red, "I can't do more than a lap! Maybe half of it!" He adds laughing. His laugh is contagious, I know that what I asked was non sense but I couldn't help but laugh at myself and laugh at Max's laugh, it's a nice moment.

We head to the beginning of the track, stretching a little bit so we could avoid cramps in the middle of the run.
"You're doing it wrong, Mia." Max says as we were on the floor, letting our hands touch our toes, "How's that?" How that?
Max gets up from his position, coming closer to me. "Can I?" He asks about putting his hand on my stomach, letting my back in an arc shape, changing my whole position from before, he was bending down anyway so when I turned around to say something our faces were close. When I saw how close we were I got nervous, felt the butterflies in my stomach. But when Max turned around to look at me, we almost kissed, our noses touched, letting us get red and nervous. "Yeah." Max whispered as he gives me his hand to let me up, so we could start our run.

We walk a bit, reaching the starting line, "Ready?" Max asks, I nodded. And in three, two, one...
We started, and of course Max wants to be faster than me, "There is no trophy after that Max! Slow down!" I shout as he slows down. "Come on! It's easy if you make a push!" He says, but at the end he agrees to run at the same speeding level as mine. And because of that, it was my first time enjoying a jog.

"How the hell did you get away with that!" Max just knew about my drifting back in Monaco. It was the talk of the grid for a while, because they felt like no one can drive like a formula driver. "So I was the anonymous driver of Monaco?"
"Yes!" Max says telling me how they thought that Hamilton was the one doing that and how they tried to see his cars. The whole grid was excited about that too. It was like a murder mystery case, they had their suspects and they were wrong. Max just felt a big shock, he didn't imagine that it was me. I wasn't the people's suspect so it was funny for me.

Every conversation led to another, we talked about literally everything, from how we started our career to how we want it to end. It's so fun, and Max is not the bad guy everyone is imagining him, he's so nice and still have the little kid inside of him.

"We should do this again!" I say taking a breath, we just finished a whole lap and I have no idea how I survived this. "We definitely should!" Max replies to what I said, we both get out of the track making our way back to the hotel.

On our way back, Max points at a small ice cream shop on the corner of a small route.
"Ice cream?" Max asks, stopping himself waiting for my answer. "Why not?" I say grabbing Max's hand and dragging him to the shop, it was night now, no one can see us clearly if they're not that close to us so we made ourselves comfortable with going to that small place.

"Hello! Anyone's here?" I ask, Max lets my hand slip away to check and see if the shop is empty and left open by accident. "Oh hello young man!" A nice lady with an Italian accent comes out of the bathroom, greeting Max with a wide smile on her face, reminding me of Ricciardo. His face was covered with wrinkles. Some deep wrinkles furrow her lower forehead, her eyes and cheeks too. "You two are lovely and beautiful!" She compliments both of me and Max letting us blush at her words. "What can I do for you love birds?" She adds.

"Oh no, no! We're just friends!" I chuckle at her words, looking at Max who was already looking at me smiling. "This young man disagrees!" She says throwing her hands up in the air, as a typical Italian person. Max hid his laugh under his palm, lowering his head looking at the floor while I just turn red and stare at the lady smiling at her.

"Thank you!" I say to the lady taking the cone from her hand, Max payed for both of us since I had no money but he insisted that I won't give him the money back, saying that it's not necessary. Max didn't take anything, he's not a fan of the flavors the shop offered.

"Wanna try? It's so delicious!" I ask Max, at first, he seemed disgusted but as we were walking he agreed and took a small bite from the tip of the ice cream. "It's good!" He says.
"See? I told you! You should've listened to me and brought one for yourself!" I say and he's still insisting that it's not necessary for him and he's happy that I like the flavor, cause I never had it before.

As we arrive back at the hotel, I finished my ice cream, thanking Max for it and we talked and agreed that we should do that again, whenever both of us can.

And then, he gets me to my room, making sure that I am safe and he probably left, leaving me alone to rest for tomorrow, but that did not let me rethink about Carlos's texts before I went out with Max.

(Thank you for the support<33.
Please don't forget to vote! See you in the next chapter!)

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