A "Weird" Day

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I don't think I have ever been around so many people in my life. There is literally no open space on certain parts of the sidewalks. I'm not sure if I'm claustrophobic or anti-social. I've been bumped so many times.

I'm walking down Hollywood Boulevard. I have been for half an hour. I look across the street, noticing that there seems to less people on that side. I walk to the corner and wait for the light. As soon as it says 'walk' I start to cross.

I'm grabbed by my shoulders from behind and pulled back, just as a car zooms by, showing no signs of stopping. My life just flashed before my eyes for the second time today. I think about how pissed my dad would be if I died by getting hit by a car, of all things.

"I'm guessing you're not a local?" says a happy sounding, male, voice.

"Uh... no... just got here. Hey thanks for saving my-" I turn and face the man who saved me.

"No problem! I looked over and had a feeling you didn't see the car. If you haven't been here before it takes some getting used to at first. I'm Alfred by the way. You can call me Al." Standing in front of me is that super smart parody guy. 'Weird Al' or something like that.

I know a bit about him. Mostly that he's very, VERY smart.

"Thanks anyway, Al. I'm Amber by the way." I say.

"What brings you here? Are you looking to get famous? Or just hoping to find something to do?" he asks, now leading me across the street. Scince I obviously don't know how to do it myself.

"My dad brought me down here with him. It's a sort of... working vacation. I guess." I say with a shrug.

"Oh that's cool. My wife and I have a home in Hollywood Hills." he says, gesturing toward where im asuming the Hills are.

"Oh. Luxurious. Your wife did't come here with you today?" I say, really just to keep the conversation going. I can barely concentrate, I'm getting tired.

"Suzanne is at home with our daughter. I was in the recording studio with my band." he says, smiling.

I'm about to respond when my phone rings. I quickly pull it out of my purse. It's dad. So soon? Something must have come up. I hold up one finger to Al, the universal sign for 'I have to take this.'

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Where are you? I'll come pick you up. I need to talk to you about something." he says, sounding distracted.

"I'm on Hollywood boulevard, I'll start walking towards home. If you still wanna pick me up you're welcome to. Just don't hit me with the car. Please and thank you." I hang up before he can start a fight.

"I have to go. Dad is a bit uptight today" I say, with an apologetic look.

"How long are you here?" he asks.

"I honestly have no idea." I say, sighing.

"Give me your number. I'll show you around one of these day?" he says, posing it as a question even though it didn't sound like one.

We exchange numbers and I start heading home. After I get out of the crowded portion of Hollywood, a van rushes by. It screeches to a hault just ahead of me. I know my cue.

I jump in when the door opens and it's slammed shut when I'm in. My dad grabs my face and covers my eyes. No idea why, but I don't struggle.

"We are adding a new person to our life Amber. You are to treat him like family. Well... he IS family!" he says in my ear. Creep.

"Family? I thought it was just you and me?" I ask, utterly confused.

"I did too. But we were wrong. Now get out and go inside to meet your BROTHER. I have shit to do."he says. The van has just stopped and I hear the door open. I'm shoved out by Father Dearest and the door slams shut.

I get up and brush myself off. I turn towards the Hideout and walk in. Inside, a man is sitting with his back aginst the wall. His eyes are closed. I get closer and see that he's breathing.


He has light skin, and kind of shaggy, brown hair. He is growing a bit of stubble. I reach over and wake him up by shaking his shoulder.

"Huh? What?" he says looking around.

"Do you know what happened to you?" I ask, looking into his eyes to see if he has any brain trauma.

"Yeah... You must be Amber. My name is Matthew." He stands, stretching, and cracks his back. "I'm your older brother, I believe we have alot to talk about..."

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