part-7(together forever)

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Omi: bhai what ...oh sorry I didn't know u r here with some people...whats wrong  ..

Kk: Dada n teja if u don't mind can I go with omi in room for sometime..

Dada: go Bata...

Teja: hmm..

Kk got up n went behind omi..

As soon as they went in room ... kk wentn hugged omi ..

Omi: bhai what happened...

Kk: Mr Kundra is playing very dairy game ....u know he made a deal for marriage of Rahul..n the deal was with non other then teja ... his father was selling her n I m Shamed to say my father was buying her for his criminal son..

Omi: shit... now what..

Kk then told everything to omi about he going to marry...etc..

Omi: bhai r u sure ...because it is very big step n then u both can't get back...

Kk: omi in my life u know me very well right... n I do very less things which my heart says this time my heart says to do it ..I want to do it omi

Omi: then I m very happy foru ...

Kk: come I will make u meet them..

They went out n kk introduced them...

Soon advocate n pandit ji came n teja got very nervous...

Kk holds her hand which made teja calm...

Advocate: sir this property papers n this marriage papers...only signing is reminding..

Till then pandit ji n omi went in backyard of the farmhouse n started to preparation for marriage..

Dada: Karan princess come sign ur marriage papers..

Kk holds tejas hand n took her towards sofa n took paper in hand he didn't leave her hand then too n just stopped for sec looked in her eyes n just turned n took pen n signed it...

Teja was just seeing him trying to understand what he wants to say.... but her mind n heart only told trust him n take risk..

Teja took pen from his hand n signed too ..

Advocate: sir we need ur sing too..

Dada ji too sign it ...

Advocate:  as u r going to get married please share a pic for our  sir this papers...

Dada : ha give..

Dada ji took it n read it n signed it n told Advocate to leave n give the marriage certificate as soon as possible.

Then Dada ji took the papers in his hand n  went in backyard too see the arrangements..

N here teja n kk were seating still holding each other's hand .. no one was saying a word both were lost in there thoughts when omi came n called them..

Omi:  bhai .. hm.... bhabhi... is it OK if I call u bhabhi

Teja: ha..

Omi: so yeah Dada ji is calling u both in backyard come soon...

Omi told n then both went there ...

N then pandit ji started the rituals n then soon Dada ji did Kanyadaan... tears started falling from both tejas n Dada ji's eyes...

N then kk filled her hair line n made her wear mangalsutra...

Pandit ji:  from now onwards u both are husband n wife ...

Then both got up n Dada ji hugged teja tightly n cried his heart out..

Dada : I m sorry baccha for not being able to be with u .. n doing ur marriage this soon but I m sure u will get all the respect all the love everything with Karan ...n Karan...

Dada ji joined his hands

Dada:  u don't know what u have done today... u have come as her new light ... please forgive her if she do any mistake ... never leave her alone...

Kk holds Dada ji's hand...

Kk: Dada now she is mine n I promise I will never let  her face any kind of problems n If she face she will not be alone I will be beside her ... n please don't join hand and all

Dada: n teja n Karan take this..

He gave the papers which told the next ceo of Prakash company can be teja or Karan depending on there wish ..

Teja: Dada do not do this... let it be for mr Prakash... if u do something like that ... no no I can't risk u just don't n my prom not a word for this again..

Dada: but I want to make u both settled..

On which omi laughed..

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