part-90(momos 😅🤣)

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Teja: I told u that I want the best momos bhai...

Omi: teja I told u na baccha they are Not available right now I will get u in evening..

Teja: but I want right now..

Omi: teja relax..

Teja: yar bhai that day u told na that when ever I want momos u will get the best n I want them now...its ok do not get I don't want

N she told in anger n cut the call

N all this was seen by kk n he heard what omi told too because the call was on speaker..

Kk to himself: here I m been anger on people for not completing work n here this girl is anger because she didn't get momos .. but she never does this..whats wrong with her..

Kk went towards her ..

Kk: princess..

Teja saw towards him n a tear fall from her eyes..

Teja: sunny..

Teja got up n hugged kk..

Kk: shh..what happened baccha...shh..

Teja: sunny... .. I will not talk with omi bhai..

Kk: what happened princess..

Kk knew already but asked for her relief..

Teja: sunny omi bhai told me that day he knows one best momos place... n he told me when ever I need to eat momos I can say him he will bring n now he is not ... I really want momos..

Teja started crying hugging him...

Kk was not understanding y was she so emotional plus anger plus what not ..

Kk: shh .. princess..u want momos we will go to eat in please don't cry..

Teja: I will not talk with omi bhai.. n u will scold him na..

Kk: ha ha jaan I will definitely scold him now don't cry ok...come let's go home i have only one online meeting I can do it from home..

Kk hold her hand started walking....soon they were in car n kk was driving little speed because he wanted to reach home soon so that she can rest..

In mid way..

Teja: sunny...sunnyy stop the car ..

Kk got scared n stop the car at side of road..

N here teja got out from car n started vomiting...

Kk ran outside n started rubbing her back then soon she got little relaxed n then they both sat in car..

Kk: teja r u fine... from morning u r not looking fine...let's go near Dr.

Teja: no no I m fine let's go home...I m tired now...

Kk: u r sure u r fine ..

Teja: yes sunny

Kk started driving n here teja slept because she was feeling very weak..

They soon reach home n kk got down n pick her in his arms n took her towards there room n made her sleep on bed...

N kk had an important meeting which he can not postpone so he had to attend that so he sat in balcony n attended the meeting.. n the meeting was of almost 3 hours n as soon as he finished the meeting... he came in room n saw teja sleeping very peacefully... he kissed her forehead..

He was about to lye next to her ... but the door bell rang..

Kk went down n saw there house helper already opened the door n omi n adaa was sitting on sofa..

Kk: what happened omi n my dear sister how come u both here..

Omi : bhai because of ur wife uff she is very dangerous... she is very angry on me I almost killed that momo person to make this four plate momos...where is she..

Kk: she is sleeping..

Adaa:wow madam is making us scared n peacefully sleeping...

Kk: oh actually she was very tired n had weakness so she slept..

Then they three of them were talking something...

N here comes teja who walked down in sleep n came towards kk.. she did not see omi n adaa.... she directly sat on kk n kept her head on his chest..

Teja: y did u come down...I wanted to sleep on u ... u r very bad...

She complained in baby voice..

Adaa slowly to omi: omi is she really my friend it feels like I don't know her..

Kk:princess..see who is here to meet u..

Teja turned back saw omi n adaa..then she again turned towards kk n kept her head on his chest..

Teja: hi adaa.. n adaa's husband..

Kk laughed as she told this..

N teja saw kk which shut his mouth ..


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