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Teja: sunny come let's go to have dinner ...

Kk: u r so excited... what is it..

Teja: u will get to know come..

Teja holds kks hand n started walking Down n took him towards dinner table n made him sit ...

Kk then opened the lid of the hotpots

Kk:momos, shahi Paneer,  dal tadka, dal makhani,Naan,biryani,gajar ka  halwa .. wow .. I love all this..

Teja: then eat na..

Teja then serve him the food...n she was seeing him n was very  nervous

Kk took bite of momos..

Kk: wow so tasty..

Then he tasted everything.

Kk: all are made so perfectly.. wow...

then he saw teja who was smiling after hearing him..

Kk: wait a sec ... this all u made...

Teja:  yes...

Kk: are u serious... like really...

Teja: ha why..

Kk: I thought kaki made ... but it tasted differently I was confused because kaki make differently but this is more tasty.

Teja:u really liked it..

Kk: I liked I loved it ... n y r u not having... wait I will feed u my baccha...

Then they had there dinner n now it was almost 11 when they both were standing in balcony of there room..

Teja: sunny..
Kk: ha..

Teja: sunny I want something..

Kk: jaan say na what u want

Teja:but u will not ask anything promise  ..

Kk: hm ok promise now say..

Teja : there is a bag kept in ur wardrobe will u please wear that for me now..

Kk: now teja... okok I will..

Teja: then go wear fast

Kk: ok mam..

Kk then went to change n here teja to change in other room she wore saree

She did minimum makeup n then kept her hair open n came in room ...

N both saw each other..

Kk: wow princess... ahh u look soooo beautiful... will u say me what's going on ... please

Teja: u r also looking so hot baby... ahh


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Kk went towards her n pulled her oh him n kissed her.. n she too kissed back they both were fighting to win n at last kk won n they break kiss after 10 min..

Teja: sunny u r very bad u ruined my lipstick...ahh..

Kk: I m bad n u too love this bad side of mine I know...

Teja: sunny can we click some pictures please..

Kk: ha baby .. ok wait let me bring my mobile..

Kk brought his mobile n teja was standing in front of mirror n wiping the little lipstick which spread ... n kk came n back hug her n teja saw him ... they stayed like that then kk took his mobile from his pocket n click the pic..

Then kk set timer on his mobile n he set his mobile.... then teja turned towards him n put her hands on his shoulder n kk holds her closely...

N pictures gets clicked... they had there Small photoshoot... n then teja saw time..

Teja: oh shit..  sunny let's go..

Kk: but where
(Let me clear one thing u all might be feeling that kk forgot but no he has planned to too)

Teja: you come na only 5 minutes is left na sunny...

Kk started walking with her n she stop in front of guest room n told kk to go inside.

Teja waited outside for 5 min...

Kk when he entered he found a simple but very beautifully decorated room..

Kk when he entered he found a simple but very beautifully decorated room

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Kk: wow princess u did all this for me... wow..

Kk was seeing everything when he saw teja entering the room..

Kk : baby thank u so much u did so much it's so beautiful..

Teja:shh.. quite Mr Karan kundra... it's just a start wait a sec...

Saying this teja holds kk's both hands in her hand

Teja: so Today the same day a year back I got u in my life forever... I got my self respect.. I got love I got safety I got a life which I never dreamed too... n it was just because of u.. n I m very thankful to go that I got u ... I m not having words to explain what u r for me but u r my everything... my sun my moon my soul my life my everything n I want u always around me with me ... I always use to get scared that I should not be selfish for anyone but for u I would love to selfish ... I m selfish because I will not share u with anyone.. I want to be n I m being... with u I feel different teja in this one year I have lived my life like I got a new birth... n its all Because of u ... n  I love u so much sunny I love u a lot...

So Mr Karan kundra I want to become selfish so will u let me get selfish

And she bends on her knees...

Kk: no no get up

Teja: please let me do..

Kk:do anything not this get up

Kk:do anything not this get up

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