part-96(teja is scared)

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Teja got very annoyed by kk's questions... she didn't say anything n came n sat in car....

Kk to sat .. n started to drive

Kk: princess... what happened..

Teja didn't reply..

Kk: say na princess what happened..

Teja: y did u ask that question ..

Kk: which..

Teja : that..

Kk understood but still wanted to hear from her mouth....

Teja: sex...

Kk: what do u mean... I have to see my needs to baby.. n now say princess what's going in ur mind..

Teja: sunny... hm sunny I never got a mother's love then how can I give the love to our child... sunnyy I don't know anything like it was adaa who pointed that I might be pregnant...I couldn't know that my baby is in me then how will I be a good mother.. sunny I don't want to think all this but somewhere it's hurting me that I m so waste...

Teja was crying

Kk: shh.. no no no crying ... teja then I too didn't get love of father infact we both didn't get love for parents but that doesn't mean that we will not care about our kid .. baby we will definitely give them the best n I know u will be the best mom... now stop crying...n did u inform adaa n omi..

Teja:oh shittt... she will kill me n even omi bhai... oh God..  duggu u help me na..

Kk: princess sorry I can't help u in this ... I don't want to die from her mood swings.. I m handing one that's like oh God can't explain..

Teja: what do u mean Mr Kundra please explain...

Kk:I mean...

Teja: u mean..I m troubling u a lot .. u mean I m difficult to handle...

Teja told all this having tears..

Kk: baby baby I was joking stop crying... shh..  I was really joking..

Teja: hm..

Kk: sorry na jaan .. I m really sorry..

Teja: hmm..

Kk: if I get an ice cream then to u will be angry..
Teja: hm will think..

Kk: then leave I can't take risk if ur thinking tells u to get more angry..

Teja: no no no ... I will not get angry.. get me ice cream I will forgive u ..

Kk: I definitely think I should change ur name n keep Mrs drama Kundra..

Teja: sunnyyyy...

Kk: ok ok I m sorry... now come on call adaa fast..

Teja called adaa n kept her phone on speaker..

Adaa: hello tejuuu...happy anniversary baby..

Teja:  thank u thank u Adaa

Teja: adaa... where are u ..

Adaa: home..

Teja: and omi bhai..

Adaa: he is also here..

Teja:  then keep phone on speaker ...

Adaa kept..

Kk: hello my sister... n u stupid

Adaa: hii bhaii happy anniversary

Omi: yar bhai ... hi... n happy anniversary my sister n her husband

Kk:oye don't copy wife...only she has that right to do...

Omi: now come to the point how come u both husband n wife called that to this morning n that to on ur anniversary day..

Teja: hm we both wanted to share something really important.

Adaa: go ahead n I think I know it already..

Omi: u know... how ... n y didn't u say me.. 

Adaa:  I just tood I know ... n y should I say everything to u..

Teja: yar u both fight afterwards please..

Kk: yes man we have flight after 2 Hours n we should reach fast so listen now..

Teja:  we have flight... n u didn't say... I didn't do Packing yar sunnnyyyy...

Kk: baby y fear when I m here

Omi: that's the biggest fear..

On which teja laughed...

Adaa: ok now please say it na teja what's matter..

Teja: ok listen carefully u both that..

Both teja n kk: we are pregnant...

Omi: ok so..

Adaa: I knew it ... wow... n what so u idiot... they are pregnant..

Omi: what I mean... oh God I m going to be chachu no no no chachu...oh God I don't know...

Kk: oye relax man...

Adaa: congratulations bhai m teju I m sooo happy for u both n teju ... or babies...oh God..

Teja: I m Also very happy Adaa..

Kk: now both don't get emotional n omi adaa we will call later..

Then they cut the call... n teja was seeing kk.

Before teja could say anything..

Kk: sunny where are we going... I didn't pack our bag..  y didn't u inform me before..... etc... so princess before u ask all this question let me already give u answer that we are going to ...... it's surprise n Packing I had already done and bags are already in car.. n after we reaching airport Dada will come n take the car n go do not worry.....n now before we go to airport take the box from back seat n have..

Teja:  box...

Teja turned n saw a lunch box..

N when she took n opened the box there was aloo  paratha

Teja: wow sunny. ..

Teja took one bite n started eating n she even started feeding kk...

Soon they reached airport

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