🍑Te Necesito (Female Y/N)🍑

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Y/N Pov:
No one has seen Miguel in a few days. I was starting to get worried, along with everyone else. I decided to walk to his office just to see what's up with him. I lightly knock on his door. "Miguel? It's me, Y/N. Can I come in?" You received no response from him.
         You open his door slightly, trying to get a peek of him. When you couldn't, you entered the dark room. "Miguel??" Out of the corner of your eye you see a pair of red eyes. A second later, you were pinned against a wall and your eyes met the pair of red ones.

         Miguel looked at you with threatening eyes. You were shocked from this. "M-Miguel?" She asks with a bit of shock and tension in her voice. His fangs gleamed a little as they came into view. He looked you in the eye as he licked his fangs before leaning down to your lips.
        He let out a hot breath, being relatively close to your face. You leaned in. He kisses you passionately, pulling away for only a moment. He then kissed you more aggressively, biting your lower lip with his tongue, asking for an invitation into your mouth. You accepted. As your tongues wrestled, you left a soft moan into Miguel's mouth. Turning him on more than he already was.
       The two of you pulled away, catching your breaths. Miguel leaned further down. He started to plant kisses around your jawline and further down your neck. You bit your lip in an attempt to suppress your moans. Miguel stopped. "I want to hear you, princesa." He looked you in the eyes. You slowly nodded. Feeling your face become hotter, if that was even possible.
He went back to kissing your neck, biting a few times. You let out a light moan. As he made your neck his property, you could feel yourself getting wetter. Miguel slipped his hand to your back, teasing you by zipping your spidersuit down slightly. "May I?" He looked at you with seductive eyes. You slowly nodded, your face feeling warmer, never breaking eye contact. "I need words, mi amor.." "Y-yes.." You responded, craving more of his touch.
Miguel quickly zipped your spidersuit off, leaving you in your bra and underwear. He stopped for a moment, taking in your newly exposed skin. He picks you up by your thighs and slams you onto the wall, not wasting a second. "Fuck..te necesito ya. No puedo controlar los pensamientos de lo que quiero hacer contigo." He starts kissing you aggressively, not pulling away until you turn your head to the side, gasping for air.
He grabs you by your ass, and you wrap your arms around his neck. Miguel shoves everything off of his crowded, yet spacious desk. He places you on the desk, ripping your bra off with one smooth movement. Miguel stares at you, slightly licking his fangs. "Lay down." He ordered. You did as he said, and he looked at you with eyes of desperation. Miguel gets on top of you, leaving kisses down your jawline. He makes his way to your boobs, giving them a squeeze. A small moan left your mouth. He smirked, as he wanted to hear what others noises you could make.
       As Miguel squeezed your left tit, you could feel your barely covered clit being rubbed. "aaah~" You were getting desperate at this point. He put more pressure on the area. "Look at my princesa, all wet for me." You looked at him beggingly. "Please..." His smirk becomes wider. "Beg for mi amor." You felt your face heating up. "Please, please Miguel. I-I can't take this anymore. I need you!" You couldn't take your eyes off of his *very* visible boner.
     "You know, it's not nice to stare. My eyes are up here puta." You blushed, barely being able to keep your eyes off of him. "Lyla, please turn the hologram off." Nothing could be heard. But a few seconds later, his suit was off. His hard dock springed up, precum already coming out. Holy fuck was he big.
     He ripped off your underwear, as he was getting desperate as well. You moved your thighs together, trying to feel some friction. "Someone is getting desperate." As you whimpered and looked at him beggingly, he inserted a finger into you. A gasp from shock escaped your mouth. He slowly started to move inside of you, making you moan. He then inserted another. Miguel began to do a scissoring motion inside of you. "mHmm" You grasped into his hair for support. As he went faster, you got louder. "Miguel~"
      That sent him over the edge, making him lose all control. He pulled his fingers out of you, making you groan from the empty feeling. He grasped onto your hips, lining up his tip with your entrance. He suddenly rammed his tip into you. "AAAAAAAUGH" "Fuck.." Miguel rammed the rest of his cock into you. You had become a moaning mess. You grabbed onto his shoulders, digging your nails into his back. You started to move along with his thrusts. Miguel began to go faster, whispering meaningless nothings into your ear. As he degraded you, it was sending you over the edge.
       You started to feel a knot forming in your stomach. At this point, you couldn't muster up any words, just moans that were barely recognizable. Miguel realized this, and started thrusting faster, chasing both of your highs. A fee thrusts later, you came all over Miguel's dick, letting out a loud moan. That was it. Miguel's thrusts started to become sloppier, and slower. "Ay cojone" After a few more thrusts, he came inside of you, filling you up with his hot cum.
   He pulled out slowly, staring at you. His gaze did not pull away. It was as if he was trying to memorize this moment. You were covered in sweat and bite marks. Your legs were slightly shaking, as you tried to catch your breath. "Tu no sabes por cuánto tiempo yo e querido hacer esto contigo Y/N. Te necesitaba hace rato." After you had caught your breath, you spoke up. "You know that the whole building probably heard us, right?" You say on the edge of the table, your legs too tired to stand up. "They're going to start saying things..." He looked at you, and planted a kiss onto your forehead. "I don't care. They can say whatever they want."

This is my first time writing a smut oneshot!! What do you guys think?
Word Count: 1106
If you have any requests, please put them in the requests chapter! Thank you for reading:)

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