🥀Drip Pt 2🥀

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TW: mentions of suicide, blood, possible gore, possible death, sensitive topics

Please don't read if you are sensitive to these topics. Stay safe!

Idk what to put as my image anymore

Miguels POV:




All I could hear was that dreadful sound. Everything was moving in slow motion. Every step, every sound, every drop. I could barely pay attention to my surroundings, all I could hear was drops of blood.

"Somebody get help!"


"She's bleeding out over here! SOMEBODY HELP!!"




I could feel my face getting paler, as my body refused to respond. I couldn't process what was happening. They're pulling her out of my arms. Where are they taking her? I can feel my eyes getting watery. What is this? I'm being held back. Why can't I react? Why can't I control my body? Why is water coming out of my eyes? I try to wipe them away, but my hands were painted crimson red. I can see them visibly shaking through my blurry eyes. As I continue to be pulled back, she's been taken out the room as sirens blare throughout the building. (Authors Note: The one holding Miguel back is Peter.)

No One's POV:
   Miguel could barely begin to process what was happening. The building was filled with tension, as Peter tries to calm Miguel down. "Hey, hey, she'll be ok-" Peter is cut off by Miguel as he turns around aggressively. "YOU DONT KNOW THAT. You don't know what's going on in there. You didn't see how I found her.. Tu no sabes ni mierda." (You don't know shit) Silence filled the room. As Miguel sat in a seat in the society's hospital, head in his hands, he tried to contain himself. Peter sighs, May Day in her baby carrier chewing on her fingers and slightly giggling. He takes a seat next to him, and tries to put a hand on Miguel's back. Almost instantly, he moves away from his touch. Peter hesitated before speaking. "I may not know what you saw, or how she is. But I do know what it's like being afraid of losing someone you love. And I just want you to know that I'm here for you.. No matter what happens." Peter puts his hand on Miguel's back again, but this time he lets him. When Miguel didn't move from his position, Peter sighed, stood up, and began to walk away, Mayday beginning to fall asleep on his shoulder.

   Y/n didn't wake up until the next day. With her arms covered in white bandages, and eye bags that went as deep as her cuts, she sat in her bed. Someone of trust was ordered to be around her at all times. Since Miguel refuses to even come out of his room, Peter didn't even bother trying. He knew she was awake. He'd come out to see her when he was ready.

Y/n's Pov:
   Everything that happened was a blur. I remember seeing Miguel, what I think was him anyways. He was holding me. I remember feeling tired, and at peace. Everything was so quiet. As my arms went numb, I could feel the tension I had been holding in my muscles for a long time. I relaxed, for the first time in months.
   Bright lights surrounded me. Nothing but light could be seen for miles. Except one thing. A person. Not just any person, a woman. Not just any woman, Aunt May. I'm dead. I can finally rest. I feel my eyes water as I run towards my aunt may. I latch myself onto her and cry into her shoulder. She smiles, god have I missed her warm smiles. "Auntie..I'm really
s-sorry I missed you such much! But I'm finally with you now. We can be together!" Suddenly, I don't feel her warm skin against mine. Her warm smile, turns into a frown. She shakes her head and takes my hand in yours. "No sweetie..You can't be here. You don't belong here. You need to go back home."
   Shock struck me. "W-what do you mean? You are my home." I can feel tears start to trickle down my face. Aunt May looks at me with sad eyes as she takes a breath in, and sighs as she releases it. "Honey, that is not true. You have a home. You have responsibilities. You-" "The same responsibilities that got you killed?" More tears start to form in my eyes as I struggle to keep my breath steady. "I'm not meant for this. I cant keep doing this. I can't do anything right, I couldn't even save-" I stop myself. She doesn't know what really happened. And I don't think I have the courage to admit that I'm the one responsible for her death.. "Oh what? Do you seriously think you killed me?" She says with her hands on her hips. I look up confused. "You know?..." "Of course I know! I know you as if you were my own child. I know all about your spider girl shenanigans."
I look down in embarrassment. How could I face her, let alone look her in the eye. "You need to go home, Y/N. It's not your time yet." "No! You don't understand! I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE. I WORK DAY AND NIGHT, KNOWING THAT ALL MY WORK IS USELESS BECAUSE I COULDNT EVEN SAVE THE ONE PERSON WHO CARED ABOUT ME."
I stay quiet after that. Aunt May steps closer. "Darling.. This is your destiny. The universe picked you for a reason. You serve a purpose, and I am not letting you stay here until it's your time!" I look away from her eyes. "But what if I don't want to serve my purpose." Aunt May picks my chin up, causing us to have direct eye contact with each other. She frowns, her eyes becoming watery. "Then that is not your choice to make."
I feel myself begin to fall. I scream out. I try to grab a hold of something, anything. But there's nothing. "AUNT MAY" I scream out, tears streaming down my face. She looks at me with sorrow in her eyes, before she turns her back and begins to walk away. I continue to scream, my eyes overflowing. Once I stop falling, I wake up in a bed. But this isn't my bed. I'm in a spider society's bed. And from the looks of it, I'm in the medical ward.

Word Count: 1073

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this part! I have a lot on my plate right now so updates will be slow. Let me know if you want a part three!!

And as always, leave any ideas or prompts you have for me

See you guys soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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