🥀Drip Pt 1🥀

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TW: attempted suicide, self harm, sensitive topics, mentions of death, blood, mentions of blades

Please do not read if you are sensitive to these topics!!

Y/N Pov:
You have had enough. With your responsibilities as spider-woman, your job, and other countless responsibilities, you found yourself drowning. There's no time for you to get everything done. Sleeping a full 6 hours had become a luxury you wish you could have.
With losing your aunt, you were already suffering with depression. You felt guilt for her death, and missed her so much. But there was nothing you could do now. As you stand at her grave, you can't help but sob. Who could blame you? She was the only person you could count on, and the only person that actually loved you.
You would have to live with this gull for the rest of your life. Unless, you didn't have to. You had thought of it before. You were barely holding on. That wasn't a very good trait to have as spider-woman. After all, with the spider society Miguel could easily replace you. You loved him, but you know he hates you. He always tries to stay away from you.
So why not kill yourself? It's not like you had any family, or people that would miss you. As you place the flowers you had bought your aunt in front of her grave, you begin to walk away. You walk all the way to your one bedroom apartment.
As you open the door, you walk to your room, going to the nightstand, taking out the blade got from breaking the wooden handle off of a kitchen knife. This wasn't the first time you had cut yourself, but this was the first time you actually tried to kill yourself with it.
   You sat down on the floor, laying your back against the side of the bed. You take your shoes off, wanting to get more comfortable. You then grab your blade, with a shaky hand.

'You deserve this'


'This is all your fault'


'Nobody would care if you disappeared'


   As you leave deep cuts on your left arm, droplets of blood start to slowly seep through them. The burning sensation of the cuts causing you a feeling of tranquility. You switched hands, wanting to have an even amount of cuts on both arms. As you keep cutting through your skin, more blood began to spill. A headache began to form, feeling like your pulse was in your head, causing your ears to throb. You felt dizzy, as you felt your arms go numb and your body relax. As you let yourself go, you felt relaxed for the first time in years. There were no worries or responsibilities flooding your brain. You would see your aunt soon.

Miguel's POV:
I was in my office, distributing a mission to Peter Parker. His red haired daughter was crawling on my arm, holding on with her web shooters. When I suddenly see Lyla pop up. "Miguel there's been a disruption to the canon." I sigh as I finish giving Peter the documents and pull his baby gently off my arm. Once he leaves the room, I speak up. "In what universe is this disruption? And do we have any idea what kind of disruption we're dealing with?"
Lyla avoids eye contact. "Lyla, mira para acá." (Look over here) "It's in Y/n's universe. And it's not a usual disruption.." She hesitated at the end of her sentence. Miguel sternly looks at Lyla. "What do you mean?" She sighed. "Y/n is the disruption. She's altering her canon." "What?"
That's when it hit him. "Shit Lyla, don't tell me she's-" Lyla nods. "Fuck fuck fuck-" He starts typing into his watch, putting in the numbers to your universe. When the portal opened up, he charges in, ending up at the front door of your apartment.

No one's POV:
Miguel bangs on the apartment door. "Y/n! Ábreme la puerta! Esto no es un juego!" (Open the door, this isn't a game) When he hears no response, he starts to throw himself against the door. After putting his full weight on the door a few times, the door finally gives in.
Miguel's rushes in, calling your name. When he doesn't find you in the kitchen or the living room, he runs into your room. "Y/n. Where are you?" Nervousness was seeping through his voice. It was obvious that he was worried about you. He goes to the other side of the room, to find your arms covered in blood. Miguel felt his face go pale, as he saw your body laying in a small pool of blood.




The room was so quiet, he could hear the droplets of blood falling from your arm. Once the first wave of shock left him, he got on his knees. "Y/n??? Y/n can you hear me? Hey, wake up!" He lightly tapped the side of your face to try and get a reaction out of you. You were slightly shaking. "Y/n? Y/n!! Despiértate ya! Que hicisteis?! Dios mío y/n!" (Wake up now, what did you do, my god) He tapped her face harder this time, getting her to groan lowly. It was barely audible.
   Miguel could still feel you slightly shaking, but at least you were alive. "Y/n? Thank god, I thought you were dead. There's not much time, we gotta get you to the spider society now!" She slowly opened her eyes, and slightly shaked her head no. "Pero como que no y/n?! I thought you were going to die! We have to clean up the mess you've made." (What do you mean no) She took in a shaky breath, feeling her eyes tear up. She looked Miguel in the eyes. "I-I can't do this..anymore" Y/n's voice was barely above a whisper, tears began to fall down her face.
   Miguel put you into his arms bridal style, being careful not to hurt your arms more than they already were. Your breath was slow, each one heavier than the last. Your eyes were already starting to close, heavy with sleep. She felt herself let go as Miguel quickly opened a portal to his office, running into it. "I'm not going to let you go. Not like this. You're not leaving me like this!" He yelled at you as if you were able to hear him. You were slowly slipping back into unconsciousness.

"Hey! Hey Y/n! Somebody get help! She's bleeding out!"



"Hurry up god dammit she's dying!"


"Where the fuck are they?!"




To be continued(if asked to)

Hey guys! I hope you liked this. Again, this is my first time writing angst. Please give me ideas, requests and/or prompts.

Thank you for reading!!:}


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