Chap.4 - School

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"Hey!" I turn around and hug Harry "Dont ever do that to me agian ! Its mean!" i hit him lightly on the shoulder in mock horror "Taking advantage of my nerves !"

"Well if theres anyone who should be nervous its me considering, well, i am new here and you've been going to this school since when exactly?" 

The guy has a piont, but still.

Suddenly i feel a sharp pain in my side and i hear Holly piontedly cough.

"oh ! my god!" I totally forgot "Harry this is Holly, Holly this is Harry"  i pionted between the two as Harry stuck his hand out to Holly and they shook.

Huh. wat do you know Holly Harry, Harry Holly. There could be something boiling here, you know with the fancy 'H' names ending with "Y".

"Nice to meet you" Harry says smiling politely.

"And you" Holly is barely able to contain herself, but holds it back and smiles smartly.

I turn around and sit back down on the bus stop bench, patting the spots next to me and looking at both Holly and Harry, a grin spreading from ear to ear. Whats with the fact that i cant stop smiling when im around Harry?

"So, um, the bus should be here in about..." I glance at my watch "2 minutes?"

wow time flies.

"alrighty and what do we do until then?" asks Harry curiously.

"You werent kidding when you said your not used to these kinds of places" both me and Holly look at him oddly.

 " no, not really" Harry replies awkwardly.

"ok" i look at Holly "we are going to have to educate him with our human ways"

Harry runs his hand through his hair and chuckles "Dear lord save us all" he smirks, sarcasm stricken through his deep voice, a mischeivous grin on his face.

Both me and Holly find this funny, as its quite simple "At a bus stop- you listen to your ipod, do you know what an ipod is?" i look at him quizzically as Holly explains an 'ipod'.

"yes of course i do, i think my country created it" Harry smirks.

What so now hes gorgeous and smart. Its definitely a win win situation here, ill give him a hard time anyway i mean what else is there to do?

"nahh i don't think so"


Your country did not create the ipod" i say looking at him with a frown upon my face.

"yes it did"

"No it didn't"

"Well the truth is that well...." Harry looks between us then his gaze stops at me and he winks at me with a slight smirk.

"yeh...?" Me and Holly are sitting on the edges of our seats look sideways at him in anticipation.

"No, no i don't think my country did make the ipod in fact im pretty sure it was america"

"No" I look at him.

"Yes in fact it did"

"No, you were just saying that britain or england or wherever you come from made it?!"

Holly frowns while she says "I am utterly confused with the piont of this conversation, its a waste of time really"

"Now that is true" Harry points towards her then drops his hand down to his side again "isnt that the bus?" he asks looking in the direction of the turn in the gravel road.

"Yep" I say popping the 'p'.

We all stand up and start towards the bus stop pole, showing us where to stand.


"Hey gorgeous" Harry bumps his shoulder into mine joining me to walk to our science class

"Hey yourself" i say look at him from under my eyelashes, a tip from the magazine 'glamour'

"This school is amazing!"  Harry says spreading his arms out to include everything from the endless classrooms to the oval, indoor gym and basketball courts to the tennis courts and track run outside.

"For you perhaps, you treated like a god around here" i say slightly sulky while hugging my books closer to me.

"well i am British" Harry says smiling at me, a hint of sarcasm in his voice "cheer up i would nerver abandon you for anyone else"


"i highly doubt that" i say still trudging through the halls dodging the swarms of body masses heading towards me.

" i promise" Harry smiles down at me sweetly.

"I cant refuse an offer as good as that" i say now smiling widly and glancing up at him then back straight a head.

"No one would" Harry laughs then says "these halls are endless where's our class?'

"Right here" I bump into his shoulder this time, swerving him to the right and towards an open door bubbling with chattering, B-O infested teenages.

"Sit down children" Mr. Hoytes talks calmly over the class the chattering dying down replaced by banging chairs being lifted of desks.

Once everyone was seated, Mr. Hoytes announced "Ok now iknow its the beginning of a new term, a new year, but you must remember that we need to have inside voices and everyone is privilaged to having a fresh start to the year, also we have a new student! Harry could you please stand up?"

Harry pushes his chair out from under him and stands looking down at me beside him then up at Mr. Hoytes.

"Good morning sir" Harry says looking respectfully towards the now beaming Mr. hoytes who was no doubt glad to have a student with manners, besides me, in his class.

"No need to be so formal Harry" Mr. Hoytes says waving his arm towards the unsure Harry "You will be lab partners with Becky for the week and we will go from there"

Lab partners, SCORE.

"Also while im on the subject, becky i cant seem to see your friend Holly anywhere? would you happen to know?"

crap, I had completely forgotten.

"No, Mr. Hoytes idont know where she is" and just as i finished speaking the door bust open and in rushed a flushed looking Holly.

"Sorry im late sir" She mumbles and clambers my way and sits down on the empty seat next to me.

"i completely forgot you were in my class, but where were you?" i whisper as Mr. Hoytes starts writing on the board.

"Ill tell you later" Says Holly blushing the whole time

omg Holly's blushing ! omg, omg, OMG! What was she doing??

ok so ive finished another short chapter, sorry sorry sorry but i am flat out atm also i havent edited it, ill do that later if its too big of a problem. so what do you think? opinions?

Vote, Comment, FAN !! :D

The more i get the more ill write :P hehe luve chus xxxx

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