8: Jennie and Taehyung

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Y/n sat on the couch sipping her coffee while waiting for Mrs. Kim to come back as she was gone to meet someone for some important purpose. Taehyung was sitting in front of her scrolling through his phone. He just came back and was now waiting for the maid to bring tea for him.

Both of them sat silently. Neither tried to pull a conversation. Even the sounds of their breaths could be heard in the environment. Y/n took glances of Taehyung focusing on his sharp features. That perfect jawline dripping off sweat, those piercing brown eyes and long lashes. His hair too was dripping sweat. He was the live example of perfect but nothing is perfect right? He also has some major imperfections not on his figure but in his mind which is very unstable.

Y/n didn't know that she was continuously staring at him but when his gaze met her. She quickly moved it away and gulped. For a couple of seconds, Taehyung felt the same intensity they had last night. He didn't know what was happening to him but staying close to her was making him calm maybe because of her charming aura. He always wondered how someone can be so charming and positive without any negative sides?

The calm and anticipating silence was broken when someone barged the door open with a loud thud making Y/n flinch but Taehyung didn't even shift his gaze. Like he was already expecting this.

"Kim Taehyung!"

The feminine yet bold voice made him look up and Y/n too. They both gazed at the girl fuming in anger. She came and stood in front of him. "What happened Jen-" Y/n was interrupted when Jennie showed her a palm indicating her to stop.

Taehyung stood up as Jennie shifted her gaze to upwards still not maintaining a healthy distance. She was looking like she would eat him up alive.

"How can you do this?" She yelled.

"I did what?" He was more than calm at this moment.

"You..... how dare you tell him everything?"

"He was asking so I told him. You can't keep him in delusion forever."

"Don't you dare to tell me what to do and what not. He's my boyfriend and I know how to deal with it."

"So this is the way you deal with it? By not telling him the truth about his own fucking family?!" Taehyung's voice became louder as Y/n stood too looking at the condition that was slipping out of hands.

Just then, Mrs. Kim entered the living room as Y/n noticed that she didn't even try to say something between them and just stood there looking at her kids fighting like nothing and yelling at each other.

"You're still a kid" he yelled.

"And what are you? A psycho?"

"At least I'm better than your so called fucking boyfriend who is so immature like a kid and doesn't have a mind of his own to think"


Taehyung's head turned to the right as Jennie slapped his face. The gasps of Y/n and the mother were heard in the air after the incident. She triggered the beast inside him. He looked at her with his bloodshot eyes and his hand made its way to her throat and held her up making her gasp for air and her life. Her own brother was choking her to death. Mrs. Kim couldn't see anymore. She rushed to him and pleaded him to stop. She wasn't going in the personal space but was afar and was pleading continuously. Y/n couldn't understand whatever was happening.

"Son, she's your little sister. Leave her. She'll die. Please son. Taehyung, please just for my sake. Leave her"

The chaos invited other guest from the loud noise it was creating. Jisoo came out of her room and saw her brother choking her sister. Before she could go and stop him, he pushed Jennie to the floor and went out in rage. Mrs. Kim immediately sat near her and started patting her back. Y/n stood there witnessing the horrible side of the family.

"Jisoo, my dear, please go behind him" she asked her.

Jisoo took her car keys and immediately went out.

"Y/nie, please bring water for her"

Y/n quickly poured some water in a glass and handed it to the mother sitting beside her. She gazed at Jennie who was coughing and struggling to breathe. Her breaths were heavy and eyes were shut.


The silence again took over the house as the mother of the house and the little guest sat together on the couch facing each other. Worry never left Mrs. Kim's face. He forehead was still sweaty no matter how much she tries to be calm, she just fails miserably.

Y/n's mind was flooded with the thoughts of the incident that happened half an hour ago. She mustered up courage to ask her aunt about it. "Aunty?" Mrs. Kim lifted her pale face and gazed at Y/n. "Yes dear"

"What was that? That happened just now?"

She let out a heavy sigh as she can't hide things anymore.

"Dear, Nini has a boyfriend Hayoung. He and Nini had a very happy life. They were engaged and soon to married. But destiny wanted to test my Nini's love and patience. She's still proving it." Mrs. Kim started to break down.

Y/n looked at her confused as she couldn't understand a word of what Mrs. Kim was saying.

"The night was one of the greatest nights for Nini. Hayoung's parents were coming to meet us for further planning about the wedding. But unfortunately they got into a car accident in which Hayoung lost his parents and his memory. Nini didn't tell Hayoung about this when he regained consciousness. He was told that he was an orphan. But today Taehyung told him the truth and Hayoung denied to meet Nini as he thinks she has broken his trust. But she was doing it for his betterment."

And finally Mrs. Kim broke down into tears as her voice broke and teared flowed continuously from her eyes. Y/n caressed her back softly to calm her down. One question was still roaming in her mind. Why did Taehyung go? She decided not to trouble the old lady more so she didn't ask anything to her.


Y/n was sitting on the couch as always but today it was a bit different from other days as she was restlessly waiting for Taehyung to answer the flood of her questions. The door swung open and an exhausted Taehyung entered the room and directly went into the restroom without sparing her a glance. She was kind of pissed off when he ignored her like that.

He soon came out in some comfortable clothes and was going to sleep without sparing her a glance again but this time she stood up and came in front of him halting his steps. He looked at her with his cold gaze not showing any emotions such as anger, annoyance or the most rare, admiration.

"Where were you?"

"None of your business"

"Why do you get nightmares?"

"Why do you always have to interfere in my matters? Be what you are. A stranger."

"Stranger? I'm trying to be friendly and understand you and on the other hand you're calling me a stranger?!"

"Did I tell you to be friendly with me?!"

He yelled at her face and went on the bed to sleep.

Another Update!!!

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