Chapter 1

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It wasn't like any other ordinary day. By the time I was awake my father was already banging away in the kitchen. Normally he would be sleeping in till mid day.
Groaning as I peeled myself up from the warmth of the bed and covers, I sighed as I realised my body was stiff, aching from the long and treacherous hike through the dense forest yesterday, trying to find any source of food. A responsibility resting on my shoulders to feed my father and older brother.
Peering out the window, the snow was still packed on the sills, but a gleam of light stringing through the windows.
Winter was finally ending, and spring was arriving. But in this small run down cottage, with holes in the wooden boards and leaks in the roof, even early spring was enough to make the cool air sting any revealed skin.
"Aeryn!" Father yelled, slightly slurring his words. He was either still drunk from yesterday or started drinking early this morning.
"God dammit, Aeryn!" slightly louder this time with more frustration. "Get here now!" I sighed, my body protesting getting up to layer on some clothes from the crisp cold air.
Floor boards creaking under my footsteps, quickly glancing into Lucas room as I passed. Fighting, like every day, to put on his layers of clothes since the incident. He doesn't like any pity towards him, but I still felt that for him, struggling with his physical disability.
We gave each other a half smile, our way of saying morning to each other, and another day dealing with father. He was the only one I didn't despise in the damned village.

Walking into the dining area with the fire still crackling from last night, I search around to where father was calling from. Slight grumbles and swearing coming from behind the kitchen counters.
Pacing over to find father somehow fallen into the cupboard of pots and pans and plates.
"How did you manage this?" I announce, struggling to figure out how his shoes have flung off his feet.
"Shut up and help me." He demanded. Grabbing his arm and pulling his weight against my own, he finally stumbles on to his feet, dusting himself and slicking back his hair that is starting to outgrow again. The reek of alcohol swifting by as it makes me hold my breath until I was out of his space.
"There's no damn food here." He says as he continues to rummage through the cupboards.
"I didn't find anything yesterday afternoon in the forest, it was dead quiet." I mutter, knowing those words will upset him.
"We'll that's just dammed, isn't it Aeryn?" He turns on his feet to face me, pacing forward. "Are you going to let Luca just starve? Look at him, he's already wasting away!" He gestures towards Luca finally emerging from his room, giving father a straight face. He knew not to speak back or provoke him.
That what he was. Father always got his way and damn us if we ever ask for anything for ourselves.
"It's okay," I say trying to turn his attention back to me. "I'm sure I've got some extra coin laying around somewhere, I'll go to the market and find us something." Hoping that would lighten his mood a little.
"Are you hiding money from me?"
It was my money, I earned it.
He steps closer, the reek of alcohol becoming stronger again.
"No," I replied quickly, "it's just some I've forgotten about until now. I promise." Father holds an angry look on his face before turning around and stumbling back to the sitting area with his drink.
"Do you want to come with Luca?" I ask my brother, knowing he would want to come with to get away from father. He returns a smile, as if saying thank you. "I'll meet you at the door, I'll just grab my coat." I say to him as i rush to my bedroom, quickly adding more layers to keep myself warm from the icy air outside.

Luca was already standing outside the door, leaning against the half broken railing for support, taking in the warm morning light on his face.
"Good to see spring is finally arriving." He says as I walk out the door. He always had keen hearing, able to hear me creeping around no matter how quiet I try to be.
"Yes, it's lovely isn't it? Sick of this dreadful winter." Linking my arm with his, offering him support walking down the three frail steps.
"More animals is in the forest, which means more food for us." He says.
"Hmm, i don't know about that." I reply back, looking down at my feet, trying to avoid the little mud puddles from the snow defrosting the snow.
"What do you mean?" Luca says as he turns his head towards me. I meet his gaze, confusion and worry on his face.
"The forest, it's been quiet for some time now," I say looking forward, seeing other villages that are better off. Clean clothes, woven baskets full with plentiful fruit, vegetables, breads and spread.
"By now there should have been some more animals coming out from hibernation, but the forest has this eery silence fallen over it." Scrunching my eyebrows, trying to find the right words to describe the eery feeling. "It's like a dark sickness that has plagued the forest."
"Have you tired going more east? Maybe it's just a bad spot." Luca advises.
"Yes, I've tried going west, and more north and east. Everything is just... too quiet." I say turning back to his gaze. His lips turning thin, trying to think of a solution.
"Something will come up, it has to." I say trying to brighten his mood. I was indeed worried with the forest lack of life, but I couldn't let him feel the same as I do. He already felt guilty he couldn't help hunt or gather for food, or chop wood. He struggles with helping cook dinners and preparing food and preservatives.... if we were every lucky to have some. But I knew he was limited to his abilities. Ever since the accident with dad being too drunk and rough with a horse carriage, bucking Luca off to fall to the ground breaking his spine in a few places and knocking him into coma with a head injury at a young age, he has always had a hatred for feeling useless. But I didn't blame him. It wasn't his fault in the first place. I hoped it would make father realise his alcoholism, but it just made him spiral further into it after mother died giving birth to me. And of course father would use that as manipulation and advantage over me. I was the only one able enough to find us food and keep us alive throughout the years.

"How much coins do you have anyway?" Luca asked, changing the subject.
"A few, not much. But hopefully I can bargain some bread from the market." I replied. The bustling of the busy market echoing through the trees and shrubs. Luckily it was the first weekend of the month when travellers and traders from other villagers came to the market, giving us more options and variety.
"You were always good at bargaining being persuasive. Probably because of your good looks." Luca nudges me and passes a wink with a small smile. I scoff is disbelief.
"That's so not true!" I say back. A small laugh escaped Luca, something I don't hear often.
"You look so much like mum, and boy did the men line up for her." He says to me, struggling a little more to walk with the slight incline, but still smiling. I firmly grab his arm more, letting him know the support is there if he needs it.
I blush a little. Wondering what mother would look like if she was still around, if I didn't rip her life away for my own, and if this family wouldn't be so torn without her.

I've heard great stories from her. She was well known in the village for her compassion, kindness and selflessness. She was a strong independent woman, but protective of her family and friends. They had a lush life with my mother making good money as a seamstress for elegant and expensive gowns for richer, well off folk. Her hands were nimble and precise. I've seen some of the gowns being sold in markets before, but now they're more aged and withered from the years passing. Not having enough money to buy one of her hand made dresses for myself so I could have a little piece of her, see her craftsmanship, and the love she put into the gowns.
Once I was born, she died from blood loss and exhaustion. They tried every effort to save her but there was no hope. Father didn't handle the loss well. They were once deeply in love and had grate affection for one another, moving to the smaller village for a simpler, richer life together. They were happy, and kind. But our father spiralled and the only way he could cope was to drink bottle after bottle. His heart ached for his wife, his whole world leaving him, and despising me for it. Ever since then Luca and father sold things in the house bit by bit to stay afloat when i was young. Now the house is bare with only the essentials to survive. No money to upkeep the maintenance, letting it either year by year. As i grew older i learned to forage for food and hunt wild animals. Thankfully the house was already owned by father, and it's our last lifeline for money if we ever need to sell it, but I will not allow us, allow Luca to sleep on the streets. Especially in winter when it already claimed so many lives. Animals and humans both. The winter was unforgiving and bitter, and us lesser mortals had to fight and scavenge to stay alive

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