Chapter 8

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I could hear subtle footsteps, but I didn't dare to look around. My heart was racing through my chest as I could hear the thudding of my heartbeat in my ears. I tried to keep my breath shallow but the panicking arising made my breath sharp, like I couldn't get enough air in and out fast enough.
The foot steps would come closer then stop, then a few more steps then stop again. It was getting closer and closer.
My body was lined again the wheel of the carriage, hoping they would pass on and forget me. But the order of their footsteps made me think other wise. I was being hunted.
I dart my eyes around, quickly looking for something to aid me when my eyes land on a large splintered piece of wood coming off the side of the carriage. It had to be roughly the size of my forearm, and I could use it to defend myself as best as I can.
I knew I might possibly expose myself to grab the splintered wood, so I calculated the step I need to take and how I would wedge it out.
The foot steps were closer, I could hear the grass rustling, they must be only a few meters away.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my shaky breathing, and lunged.
As quick as I could I hauled myself up and over to the piece of wood. My first tug was unsuccessful, it was wedged hard in between the other pieces. I try to move it back and forth, it was moving but not coming out. My ankle screaming in pain from the weighted pressure.
The footsteps are close. I didn't dare to take my eyes off the piece of wood. I grab it with both my hands and bend my knees, preparing myself to use all my weight to get this stubborn thing out.
Then there was a growl, and a hot breath down my neck. It was right behind me.
A shot of adrenaline pumps through my body. I launch whole body weight and use all my strength against the piece of wood. My hand burning from the friction.
I manage to get it free, and as soon as I could twist my body as I'm ready to meet the hunter.
Both hands on the wood above my head, I swung it like I would if I was hunting a stag in the forest for the final kill.
But it stops, dead in its track.
Not moving another inch.
I glance at wood to see what's happened, what has stopped it only halfway through, but what I see makes me go completely numb.
Trapping around the now broken in thick half piece wood, were hands. But no ordinary hands. They were big, and strong. Unhuman like. With nails like daggers, dark and sharp. A hand so big I could easily wrap condoned my arm and snap it like a tooth pick.
Shocked with horror, I follow the arm up, taking in every unnatural aspect that my eyes lays upon.
A forearm, covered in gouges of deep scars. A lethal size bicep with a swirling tattoo crawling up and around the arm to the broad, muscular shoulders.
And sitting above the shoulder was a face, a face that didn't quite match the body.
It was a male, a tall, muscular male towering over me, only a few inches away.
He had dark down almost ash like colour hair, with hidden streaks of a lighter shade of brown, but a set of sharp twisting horns outstretching from his head upwards.
A striking, unforgettable face with a sharp features. But one thing that caught me off guard was his eyes. They were a mix between green and glowing gold, they were beaming but his gaze was dead and cold. Like his soul has been lost and long gone, a soul that has witness hundreds of wars and thousands of deaths. A thin scar started above his eyebrows travelling down under the eye.
I didn't believe what was in front of me, what I was seeing, but I couldn't take my eyes off him
What was he?
Stricken by fear by a man that could snap me in half with barely any effort, I was unable to move, until he finally spoke.
"Don't do that again." He demanded. His voice was deep and he spoke with confidence.
"I-I-.. what.." I stutter out. Loosing my grip on the wood in my hand, and also what felt like reality. I take a few steps back to get some space in between us, still not able to take my eyes off this... man creature.
Without breaking eye contact he simple crushes the piece of wood in his hands like as if it was a delicate bug. It crumples and falls to the ground in chunks and dust.
My body was numb, my stomach twisting and hair standing on end with shivers shooting down my spine. Completely terrified of this man's strength, I swiftly turn around to try run away. Anywhere away from him.
I take a single step in the opposite direction and crash into what felt like a brick wall, stumbling and falling back to the ground.
Looking to see what I crashed into, but before me was the creature again. I was so confused.
How was he a couple feet away from me and within an instant on the other side of me?
I felt like I was staring death in the face. My whole body trembling, but the man lowers himself and extends a hand towards me.
I flinch for a second, expecting to get slashed and carved apart from his claws.
I study his hand again for a moment, taking in the scars sprawled out on his hands leaching up his arms before looking back up at him in confusion.
He just sighs.
"That arrow?" He points to the other man dead on the ground next to us, a pool of blood accumulating around his head.
"That had his name on it." The creature says, staring angrily at him for a while before returning his dead gaze back to me.
"I've been looking for him for a long, long time." He finishes. But I am still blank. I can barely comprehend what is happening, what I am seeing before me.
"I'm not here to kill you." He states reaching his large hand back out to me. While that gave me some comfort, I still didn't feel completely safe.
"Let me help you up and out of here. If you stay you'll be killed by the guards patrolling the area. If you wonder off by yourself, you'll be killed by whatever is out here."
"What-what ever?" I manage to finally speak, but worried as he said whatever, not whoever. Are there other things like... him? Out here?
I take my chance and grab his hand, knowing well this could lead to my death. But I thought it would be best to go with him rather be by myself out here in an unknown land.

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