Chapter 2

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I snapped out of thoughts as a heavy weight crashed against us.
"Look where you're going idiot!" Damion said accompanied by a handful of friends on his side. A bully who mocked Luca for years about his disability.
"Just let the crown do it's job and end you, you're a waste." He continues, but I step forward, giving him a warning
"Don't you have something better to do with your time than being a prick?" I say to his face, eyes narrowing at him. He keeps his gaze for a second before peering over my shoulder back to Luca.
"Your little sister standing up for you? You not man enough to stand your ground?" Damion mocks Luca.
My hand connecting with Damions' face. Stinging my palm. He stumbles back a step cupping his face as his eyes meet mine again. A snark plastering his face.
"Little sister isn't so little anymore aye?" He says staring me up and down.
"She bites". He continues as he walks around me, stopping me at my side and taking a step closer.
"Not very ladylike of you Aeryn." He says as he ticks a strand of hair behind my ear, making me tense up. But I didn't want to back away and show weakness, that not who I am.
He leans in close as I feel his warmth on my ear,
"I can show you how to be a lady in the sack and listen to me." He whispers in my ear as he smirks, cringing at the fact of me and him in bed together and his friend laughing and imagining the image too. I swing my hand to the side swiftly as I punch him in the groin. He folds over with a loud grunt, holding himself.
"You won't be needing those with a mouth talking to ladies like that." Mocking him back, giving what he deserves.
I strike a look back at his friends, some with hands over their mouth in shock.
What absolute pricks
"Come on Luca." I say bluntly as I push my hand on his back to keep walking to the market.
"Thank you Aeryn." Luca praises, but I didn't smile back. I knew I could of gone further and kept hurting and humiliating the prick, but I had to keep myself together.
Damn the crown for giving me this temper.

The roads became brick and stone, and the air had all kind of wonderful smells. Fresh baking, meat cooking and scented flowers. The markets were bustling with life and people of all ages brining with them all kinds of food, skills, clothing, services and much more.
Luca stops walking,
"I'm going to wonder around and see what's new this season." He says to me. A slight worry on my face but disappears quickly. I knew I had to give him independence and space and not crowd him with being protective. I put my hand gently on his arm,
"Okay, just stay safe. I'll be by the food. Meet you by the fountain in an hour?". He gives me a small smile and limps off, surveying the stalls closely around him and what the new season has brought to the village.

The aroma of all different kinds of foods flooding through my nose. Eyes darting from stall to stall to see all different delicious kinds of food on display. I could have sworn I was drooling from the mouth and eyes beaming wide.
"When was the last time you ate?" An almost familiar voice voice echoed through my head. Always asking me question and stating things, but it was never my own thoughts. It must of been early yesterday since I've eaten.

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