Chapter 11

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It felt like my soul wanted to jump out my skin. I go to turn and confront the voice, but before I was able to a hard force crashes into my body, sending me back and sliding against the harsh ground. Scratching and scuffing my back.
As I come to a halt I scramble myself together. Pulling myself up onto my knees, darting my eyes all around me but I was alone. Nothing, none around me.
I was confused and scared, and breathing heavily to get more air in my lungs. My hands were shaking and my body temperature was dropping.
A hand lands on my shoulder as it grips into my skin. A shriek escapes from me as I winch in pain loudly.
"Oh you're not going anywhere." The perky female voice says again. She sharply twists my shoulder as I turn quickly in her grasp to face her, pinning me to the ground. I try to make out her features, to see who has got me with such a death grip but the moon illuminates her from behind creating a silhouette of her, but some things I managed to make out.
She was tall and slender, just like Sebastian. Long hair what looked like a light hue of pink passing her ribs, scaling down her back and waist. But poking out from her head in between the hair strands went horns, but were long and sharp ears, like an elf from all the fairytale books I read and were told about when I was just a child.
Her hands were long and spindly, but strong as they dig into my shoulder and forced me down.
She was above me and a wicked chuckle came from her.
"You're a long, long way from home aren't you human?" She taunts. I struggle in her grasp to get away, but within in instant she has me up in the air with her hand around my neck. I choke as I struggle to breathe in her grasp.
"You don't belong here on this side of the wall. What has brought you here? Hmm?" She mocks, twisting her head side to side to get a good look at me.
She was beautiful, but has a wicked sense to her. Her face was long and slender and her eyes showed no mercy. His lips full and plump, turned upwards slightly, proud of her fresh catch.
"I'm trying.. to.. go home." I spluttered out in between my chocking breaths.
"Ha!" She bellows out, "you'll never make it, not even half way before you get devoured. You can't survive here amongst us!" He spits out again in glee.
She sounds like an upright bitch.
"Let me go!" I scream and kick in her grasp. My vision becoming speckled and blurry from the lack of air.
"Oh no, but that wouldn't be fun would it? I've always been so curious about you humans. What you're all made of. It will be fun to pick you piece by piece." She taunts again jabbing me over my body with her bony fingers, investigating my whole body.
"You... bitch." I spit out, anger stricken my face and I bare my teeth towards her.
Her emotion quickly change from an evil smile to be clearly upset. Her jaw clenches and her eyebrows furrow together. With a quick swing she flings me from her grasp. I go flying and collide with the cold hard ground yet again. This time stones scuffing up my sides and face. I manage to sit myself up slowly, my body singing from the grazed skin with stones embedded.
I glance up to see her storming over to me. I panic and try to scurry backwards, but fearful to look away in case I loose sight of her again.
She stops right in front of me, her whole body tense and filled with anger. She retracts her hand above her head. Her eyes like sharp knives, a pricing gaze.
"No one calls me a bitch, bitch." She maliciously says.
She goes to swing her arms, and I brace myself and clench my eye shut, ready to be met with great force and pain.
"Don't." A familiar voice says. I peer open one of my eyes, still expecting to be hit by this female, but I notice Sebastian interjecting her hands path to my body.
He grabbed onto her forearm and his claws digging into her skin, but she wasn't fazed in the slightest or winching in pain. They were both sharing a glance of death and hatred.
"Why?" She sneered at him.
"She's with me." He noted back to her, and her face quickly filled with disgust.
She snatched back her arm out of his grasp, Sebastian's claws cutting her arm deep from the retraction, but eyes again, not pain or even a winch. Like she was dumb.
Sebastian turns his gaze towards me, obviously angry and disappointed.
"I told you-"
"Yes I know Sebastian! You told me a million times that I'll die out here. But I can't just leave my family to fend for themselves. I had to get home or at least die trying! I'm not giving up on them!" I shouted back at him before he could finish his sentence. Slinging my arms about and stomping in frustration from the dammed place.
"Sebastian?" The girl chimed in. "You two are already on first name basis? How long was I gone?"
"This is the last time I tell you." Sebastian threatens as he stepped closer to me, casting over the moonlight as his shadow envelops me. "There are things that will hunt and kill you in an instant, things you can't see or sense. Things that will fuck with your mind for fun until it turns to jelly. I highly suggest we go back." He says glaring at me for a couple f seconds. Those cold, glowing eyes like daggers. I felt small and insignificant in his gaze. He backs ups and turns around, seeming to head back to the cave.
He briefly stops at the woman's side and looks her dead in the eyes. She meets his gaze with a frown on her face, and Sebastian threatens her too. "You do not harm her. Understand?" He demands. She rolls her eyes and groans, and too turns away and she struts back in the direction of the cave.
They both have their backs towards me, and I look around again to my surroundings. The distance growing bigger between me and them as I contemplate my decision.
Do I keep trying to go back home? Or do I play it safe and go back to the cave?
I ponder for a second. My heart wants one thing but my mind knows what's best.
I sigh as I start limping towards the towards the cave, following their footsteps left in the sand and stone like ground, realising their massive difference in foot size compared to me. My skin stinging from the brutal scrapes and grazed. I could feel the warmth of my blood starting to trickle down from my wounds.

The woman didn't look similar to Sebastian at all. She didn't have any horns or what ever growing out her head, or long claws that could rip apart the toughest hide in an instant. She looked more... human?
But she still seemed far from it.
She was tall, and held herself with power and confidence too. She was beautiful, almost perfect, just like Sebastian. She glowed within, but she had a presence of evil around her, and she was a total fucking bitch.

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