First D.C.C./CRDL humiliation

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It was time for Dante and Vergil's first combat class to teach. The students all walked into the building wondering what they were doing back at the training center. They then looked at Glynda Goodwitch, who was talking to two other people, one in a red coat and the other in a black coat with light blue trimmings. They recognized the one in the black coat to be Vergil from the initiation day, but they were still wondering who was the one in the red coat. Glynda then got their attention and started class.

Glynda: Hello again, class. I want you to meet your new Demon combat teachers, Dante and Vergil Sparda. They will help you become stronger and smarter to combat demons if you are to come across them.

Some of the students looked at each other with wonder while others looked at Dante and Vergil with either worry or tension.

Glynda: Now, I will turn the class over to them. Don't think they will go easy on you all.

With that, Glynda left the room, leaving the students at the mercy of Dante and Vergil.

Dante: Well then, guess this party's boutta get crazy. As y'all may have already guessed, I'm Dante, and of course, you already know my darker, like twin brother Vergil.

Vergil: Hello again.

Dante: Now, who in here has combated a demon before, it can be any kinda demon no matter how big or small they may have been.

A few students, including Weiss, raised their hands.

Dante: Great! Then that means this is gonna be a lot easier to explain. Now, demons don't necessarily have a brain. Sure, some of them have better skills than others, but that's mostly just off of instinct.

Vergil: In short, never underestimate your opponent or consequences will be severe against you.

The students were all engaged and listening to Dante and Vergil's talk. Some were taking notes, and others awed at how practically only three people out of the entirety of the Beacon staff knew more about demons than anyone else combined. All except Team CRDL, who were busy snickering away at jokes they were making about the demons and about the Sparda brothers.

Vergil: If anyone has anything to share, share it now. How about you, Cardin, what are you and your team taking from this?

CRDL all looked at Vergil with devious eyes.

Cardin: I'm taking that me and my crew here can beat down any demon regardless of their strength or intelligence.

They start giggling to themselves, which irritates Vergil. Dante knew where this was gonna go if they kept on going like this and got an idea.

Dante: Well, well, it looks like we got ourselves a couple of wise guys. Okay, how about you demonstrate that confidence, boys.

Cardin: And what are you talking about "red coat"?

Dante: If you can beat a demon that requires your entire team to take down, you guys get free As on your score card as a form of a "first exam."

CRDL looked at each other and decided that it would be nice to start the year with free good grades.

Cardin: Okay, we'll take you up on that offer. Who's the demon we're fighting?

Dante smirked as they fell right into his trap.

Dante: Me.

Cardin: Visibly Confused* Uhh, sir? I think you got some screws loose cause aren't you a human.

Dante: Oh, I am, *Turns into SDT form* but I've got demon blood in me as well.

CRDL was interested that their teacher was part demon. They thought that if they won, they would get free good grades and a right to make fun of Dante about the fact that he was "half-blooded." They would soon learn that Dante isn't called 'The Legendary Devil Hunter' for nothing. They went into the locker room and later came out ready to take on Dante, who was waiting on the arena floor for them.

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