Secret revealed/Father-son bonding

395 8 3

Thursday 9:45pm

Beacon Rooftop

Phyrra brought Jaune up from Dr. Oobleck's class as he looked out upon the ground and school.

Jaune: Phyrra, I know I'm going through a hard time but I'm not 'that' depressed, I could always be a farmer, or something.

Phyrra: No! *Pushes Jaune towards the middle of the rooftop* That's not why I brough you up here. Jaune, I know you are having a difficult time in class, and that you're still not the strongest of fighters, so, I wanna help you.

Jaune: What?

Phyrra: We can train up here after class where no one can bother us.

Jaune: You, think I need help?

Phyrra: No! No, that's not what I meant.

Jaune: But, you just said it.

Phyrra: Jaune, everyone needs a little push from time to time, it doesn't make you any different from the rest of us. You made it to Beacon, that speaks volumes of what you're capable of.

Jaune: You're wrong. I-I don't belong here.

Phyrra: That's a terrible thing to say, of course you do.

Jaune: No, I don't! I wasn't really accepted into Beacon.

Phyrra: What do you mean?

Jaune: I mean I didn't go to combat school, I didn't pass any tests, and I didn't earn my place at this school. I lied, I got my hands on some fake transcripts, and I lied.

Phyrra: But, why?

Jaune: Because this is always what I wanted to be. My father, his father, and everyone before him were all warriors, were all heroes, and I wanted to be one too. I was just never good enough.

Phyrra: Then let me help you.

Jaune: I don't want help! I don't wanna be the damsel in distress, I wanna be the hero!

Phyrra: Jaune, I-

Jaune: I'm tired of being the loveable idiot that's stuck in the tree, while his friends fight for their lives don't you understand!? If I can't do this on my own, then what good am I!? Just leave me alone.

Phyrra: If that's what you think is best.

Phyrra leaves but what neither of them knew was that two people were listening in to their confrontation. One of them was Dante, he was perched on his sword on the wall below them listening to them argue, and he heard the full thing.

Dante: POV* Jaune, you crazy dumbass. I don't think that was the best move on your part, but it coulda gone worse.

Dante then hears another voice next to Jaune and immediately knew who it was.

Dante: POV* And what would you want with him, Cardin?

Dante listened in and heard Cardin mock Jaune for sneaking into Beacon. Then he heard him blackmail Jaune basically saying that if Jaune doesn't work with him when he needs him, he'll tell Glynda and he'll be on the first bullhead out of Beacon. This made Dante mad.

Dante: POV* Not a lot of things piss me off Cardin, but blackmail is close to the top on my list. Jaune may have faked his way here, but he still deserves to get better and grow stronger while he's here. I'll make sure he won't be kicked out even if Glynda finds out, you can place a high bet on that.

Then Dante heard the Cardin went back to his room and decided to make his presence known.

Dante: Hey, there kiddo.

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