louis tomlinson imagine Your pregnant

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Last night had been the best night of your life. (If you know what I mean ;D)Louis had just came home from a long tour with the boys, and it got hot as soon as he entered the door to your flat. He gave it to you hard; over and over and over and over again. Eventually, you two got tired and called it a night. You woke up to the smell of waffles and eggs downstairs. You grinned walking to the bathroom so that you could freshen up before eating. You started up the shower, gently washing yourself over, when suddenly you felt a bit nauseous. You coughed as you threw up inside of the tub. Were you sick? When it was over, you quickly rinsed it away and down the drain, followed by you rinsing your mouth. Everything was okay for a couple of more minutes, until your stomach became bubbly again. You felt it coming again. When you were finished, you heard a knock on the door. "Babe, are you okay?" you heard. You quickly rinse it down, "Yeah love! I'm fine. Be out in a sec." He seemed hestitant, but eventually you heard footsteps trailing off. You turned off the showerhead and dried yourself off, wondering what this was. Suddenly it hit you. How could you be so stupid?

You pulled the towel around your chest and ran across to your room, sliding into some sweats and a t-shirt. You rushed downstairs, hoping that Louis wouldn't catch you. Unfortunately, he was standing at the bottom, waiting for you with a big grin on his face. "Lookin' beautiful as always..come on lets go eat." You looked at the food feeling sick all over again, "Uhh, babe. It looks awesome, but I need...some..." you bite your lip thinking of something that Louis wouldn't want to go get, "Personal...products." you finally say. He widened his eyes, but evenutally responded, "Do you need me to go get them for you?" Woah, didn't see that coming. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, unlocking the door. "Nah, thanks Tommo." you say rushing out to the nearest drug store to by a pregnancy test. You didn't want Louis to see you bring it in, so you decided to use it in the store's bathroom. As disguisting as it was. After going through 3 boxes, you came to the conclusion that you were indeed preggers. You slowly walked home thinking about how you were going to break the news to your boyfriend. Louis had such a big life ahead of him, and you were going to mess it up. Why not just go find a morning after pill? Or go get an abortion? He'd never know?

But what if he wanted it?

You sighed opening up your front door, seeing him on the couch watching TV. As soon as he saw you, he gave you a confused look. "No bags?" You look down at your hands. Shit, now he knows something's up, you thought. You sighed sitting in a chair away from him, "I need to talk to you." you say softly. He picked up the remote and pressed the mute button, "Shoot away."

"Well. I just took a test."

"Did you pass?" He smirked

"What? N..No, Louis. Not that kind of test. A....pregnancy test..and...um...well it was positive." you say as tears slowly ran down your face. You looked down at your feet, not wanting to see his face. You went about ten minutes in silence beore you felt arms wrap around your waist. "Are you serious?! I'm gonna be a father?You were shocked, "Yeah. You're happy?"

HE gave you a confused look, "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" He frowned, wiping your tears.

"Well, I mean we are so young an.."

"And we've known each other for almost five years. And we've dated for two. I love you more than anything. You are going to bemother there is. I just hope that I'll be the best father." he smiled bending down to kiss your stomach, "Hear that little buddy? Daddy's gonna be there for you all the way." he smiled beginning to talk to your stomach about every thing that him and your baby would do together.

You couldn't help but grin, knowing that this was the right decision.

hi guys:) im a new writer and i wanted to know if i should keep going?!?!

louis tomlinson imagine Your pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now