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She looked up to see a man with defined facial features and sharp eyes gazing at her with a confused expression. Y/N cranked the window down and glanced at William. He handed her cash to give to the gas pump boy. "You pump gas," she asked. "Sure do ma'am," He replied smoothly.

She noticed an older man observing them closely from inside the gas station. Y/N silently watched the younger man as he pumped the gas.

"You should ask em' if they've seen your horse," William whispered. She thought about it and decided it'd be worth a try. "Hey you," she called out. She watched as 'the stranger' lifted his head to look at her before walking over.

"Have you seen any loose horses around," she asked. "Not that I can recall," He responded. "Damn...," She uttered under her breath. "What's it look like," He asked. "She's a black mare with a deformed star on the center of her forehead," she paused to point at her forehead. "She's got a white sock on her back right leg and a scar across her top lip," she finished.

Y/N watched him take mental notes and nod to himself. "I'll keep an eye out for her. You want some chili? We sell it inside," he offered. "Sure," she replied dryly before opening the door to hop out. William raised his eyebrow at her and smirked micheviously. She rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

Y/N walked inside and stood at the counter patiently as he prepared the chili. "Can I ask you something," he asked. "Shoot," she responded. "What's your name," he wondered. We stood there looking at one another for a few seconds.

"Its...Y/N," she hesitated. "Name suits you. My name is Johnny," he said casually. Y/N didn't know what to say. She felt pathetic, considering she was taken aback by even the smallest compliment. "Thank you," she acknowledged.

She glanced around and felt her skin crawl. Something about this place made her nervous. It felt like eyes were constantly on her. Like prey being stalked by a predator.

Johnny noticed my unease and piped up, breaking the tension. "That'll be twenty-two dollars and fifty cents," he said. She reached into her back pocket and placed the cash onto the counter.

She observed Johnnys chiseled face and deep brown eyes. He wore a slight smile as he put the cash into the register and counted my change. She saw the scar he had across his face. Trailing down over his right eye. Y/N smiled slightly. His hair is black and slicked back neatly. To describe him in a simpler way, he looked like a Hollywood movie star.

Y/N looked away immediately when he looked back at her. She must've been staring for far too long. Where did my manners go? She grabbed the bag that contained her change and chili.

Y/N climbed back into the truck and looked at him once more. "Thanks," she mumbled. He nodded a little saying 'you're welcome' in his own way.

             She started to fill her mouth with the warm chili. It had a peculiar taste that she found her unopposed to. After some consideration she decided that she liked it. The flavors all complimented one another in a way that made it a desirable meal.

William turned the key, and the truck revved to life. "I heard about a slaughterhouse just outside of Newt. Your mare could've gone there since she ran in that general direction," William commented. "I'll have to check it out tomorrow," she responded.

Y/N glanced over at Johnny, standing at the door. He had a look of uncertainty strewn across his face. It was almost like the mere mention of the slaughter house made him uneasy. Maybe he had a bad experience there. She tried not to think on it too hard as they drove off.

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