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Y/N and the man of the house stood face to face. A gun between them. Aimed at the center of her forehead. She clenched her fist. The tension in the air was palpable as she rushed to come up with a plan.

Johnny stood in front of his aunt protectively. There was an undeniable desire that resurafaced in his eyes. "Johnny, kill him," Nancy uttered coldly. "Johnny dont. Please dont," she begged carefully as she stared down the barrel. She had a feeling that the bullet in that chamber had her name written all over it.

"He hurt me. He's going to hurt all of us Johnny. You have to show him the way," Nancy manipulated. Y/N glanced over at Johnny with pleading eyes. She felt her heart sink as his determination returned to him. "Damn it Johnny he's pointing a fucking gun at me," Y/N begged. Nancy had tears welled up in her eyes. She was trembling as she looked at Johnny. The innocent look she gave him made Y/N sick to the stomach.

Her hands trembled as she envisioned her fate. Johnny gripped his knife tightly and took a step towards the man. Y/N slammed her hand down on the gun. The chamber released a bullet into her thigh. Pain went through her leg like electricity, working its way up her body, pulsating with her heartbeat.

Many diverse emotions entered her. A mixture of anger, sadness, and fear all combined into a deadly chemical reaction. Her initial motion before she was shot resulted in Johnny dropping his weapon. Everyone stood frozen in place. It was a race on who gets to make the first move.

Upon instinct, she grabbed Johnny's knife off the floor. She snapped mentally from the weight of the situation. The man was in a stunned state, giving her the perfect opportunity. She mindlessly plunged Johnny's knife into the man's throat.

She let go and backed up in horror. Her vision blurred as she looked at her shaky hands. She was slowly realizing what she'd done. She took a life for her very first time.

The room was filled with choking and gargling as the man clawed at his neck. He pulled the knife out, making the blood spray like a cut hose. He was down on his knees, clawing at her pants. She watched as the life slowly began draining from his sorry eyes. Johnny snapped back to reality and took control of the situation.

He mercifully finished the man off before laying him down to rest on the floor. She stood in a daze. The pain in her leg was nulled by the adrenaline that coursed through her.

Johnny helped Nancy up, leaving Y/N behind. She stared at the body, further taking in reality. She got down on her knees beside him. She gently touched his hair, treating him like a wounded animal. "I'm sorry.....Im...sorry," she repeated over and over to herself.

Part of her hoped he would somehow would say, "It's okay. I forgive you." She slowly broke down into tears. She ran her fingers over his eyelids so he could rest peacefully. She couldn't shake the guilt despite the fact it was in self-defense. Her shoulders shook with each sob she let escape her lips.

This man was evil, yet somehow she saw good in him and regretted the fact he had no chance to repent for his choices. Her benevolence was besting her. She knew she should be less angry and more thankful to be alive. Yet her anger was more directed to Johnny.

This would all be avoided if he listened. She tried to stay calm and avoid letting her anger get the best of her again. She didn't want to feed the dark parts of her mind.

Johnny walked back in with a frown. He got down on his knees beside her. They were silent other than the small whimpers she emitted. Johnny stared at her as the pain she was experiencing began creeping inside him. His heart was being wrenched around, slowly getting torn between her and his mother. It was like a poison that plagued him and altered his brain chemistry.

After some time, he put his hand on her shoulder with a heavy heart. "It's okay. I'm here," he mumbled gently.

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