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                       Y/N woke up to Johnny and Nancy's chatter. He stood beside the now still pickup, speaking with a grin on his face. His arms were crossed, excentuating his impressive physique. His thick southern drawl was more prominent as he spoke to Nancy, further piqueing Y/Ns interest.

                She'd been observing his behavior closely when they were in one anothers company. These observations led her to assume his change in tone was because he was, possibly, acting more content near Nancy. She furrowed her brow.

             Something about him didn't seem right, though. She squinted and noticed the tenseness in his shoulders. Even the rest of his movements seemed stiff as he waved his hands about occasionally while speaking.

                          She rubbed her head and groaned softly to herself. When she lifted her finger to expose her wound to the crisp morning air. The lingering stinging sensation nulled as she felt dopamine rush to her head.

The air was Dewey and thick. The earthy undertones mixed with rain reminded her of home. She smiled gently, looking forward to the end.

                         Johnny stopped speaking suddenly and walked back beside the truck bed. He tapped the metal roughly to catch her attention. The clanking noise rang through her ears a few times before drawing her attention to him. "Y/N and I will be back," He called to Nancy. His brown eyes captivated yours for a moment."We need to get supplies. Could you spare a buck," he asked with an expectant tone.

                         Y/N forked over the money without having a fuss. She knew it would be better to oblige considering her odds. She slid to the end of the tailgate and hopped down. Pain shot up her leg, forcing a guttural groan from her lips. "If you ever want to use that leg again, I suggest letting it heal," he grumbled under his breath.

                           "You dont have to act like you care. I already know what's best for me," she said under her breath in an attempt to shrug off his advice. He furrowed his brow at her and clenched his jaw slightly. "You're right, I don't have to help you," he reminded her. His tone suddenly shifted. "Two can play that game," she remarked before shooting him a resentful glance.

                           Danger flashed in his eyes before dissipating as he led the way. He smirked slightly, enjoying the bantering. It was like a game of cat and mouse to him since he could overpower her in an instant. She looked at him, knowing how badly he wanted to clobber her sometimes. Yet, at the same time, she also knew it would be too much of a risk for him to kill her now.

                        The sun was barely peaking over the hills when they made it to town. Johnny browsed the shelves in the general store as Y/N sat on the bench outside.

                           She glanced up at a rugged looking man with stubble adorning his chin who smiled brightly at her. "You look like you need a cigarette," he offered kindly. "Sure, but don't expect any favors," she warned before taking his offer. His lighter sputtered as it struggled to catch fire.

                           She took a long greedy drag before letting it all out in one breath. The man chuckled at her before sitting down with his own cigarette. "I've never seen you around before. Is that your brother inside? He's a pretty tough lookin' fella'," the man asked. She sighed before glancing at Johnny through the window. "No," she responded simply.

                               "Is he your boyfriend," he asked. His voice laced with curiosity. "Why's it matter to you? Don't you know it's rude to ask so many questions," she said wryly. He clicked his tongue for a second and shook his head. "I'm just trying to strike up a good conversation. It's hard to choose a topic when you dont know somebody," he stated.

                                   "We travel together," she answered finally. She held the cigarette firmly between her index and middle fingers. "I see. Does he treat you well," he asked as he glanced down at her leg. "Yeah, he treats me well. He's a good heart," she responded.

                                         "That nasty wound there sure dont help his case," he noticed. She sat up and looked at him coldly. Her expression was that of a woman on the brink of insanity. "I had an accident. He did nothin' wrong to me," she protectively stated. "That couldn't have been an accident," he instigated. 

                                            "My hoss slipped, and my foot was stuck in the stirrup. A branch went clean through my leg there. He's getting me medicine right now so he can doctor me. So you best keep your god damned gob shut," she refuted aggressively. He put his hands up with his palms facing her. His submissive gesture eased her flared nerves.

                                "Now now. I didn't mean to cause any harm. I just wanted to make sure you were in good care, that's all," he explained nervously. She sat back into a comfortable position. "My wellbeing is none of your business. I'm alive, and that's good enough," she uttered under her breath.

                                    The man continued to yap in her ear. It became almost unbearable. "Is this fella botherin' you doll," Johnny asked gruffly. The man was clearly intimidated by Johnny's size. She glanced over and let a smirk play at her lips. Johnny didn't even let her answer before reading the room for himself.



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