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She directed Johnny on their way to their first location. "Dont get your hopes up. I'm not certain if this is where she's at or not. We might have to look around," she commented. Johnny nodded, looking like a little kid in a toy store.

When they arrived at the driveway, she took a deep breath. Something she feared more than death was the unknown. Not knowing what waited for them beyond the gate made her anxiety start to peak.

She hopped out and opened the gate. Part of her wondered why she was even here helping Johnny. She figured it was for her sick and twisted mind playing tricks on her or, it's because she felt truly bad for him. She developed this all in her head and chest. The more she thought, the more confusing it was.

Gullibility and empathy got in the way of everything. She could be back home with her brother, but for some stupid reason, she was here helping a murderer. This is truly selfish.

Doing this all just to feel a little bit better about herself as a person. To fill the void in her chest for only a mere moment. Around him, she feels less alone and important in a way. It all was confusing but started to make a little bit of sense. She'd hated being cooped up alone in that little house. Especially after what happened. Everything good left her life because of something that wasn't her fault.

Johnny feels like a fresh start, a clean slate. It was an opportunity to find herself again after being lost for many years. The thought of verbalizing that made her feel silly. She glanced over at Johnny in the truck and decided it was best to keep it to herself.

She shook those thoughts and opened the gate. A 'No trespassing' sign was hung up in the center. A skull with crossbones was adorned below the crimson red words. Her hair raised on end as she noticed the bullet hole placed conveniently in the center of the skull.

Y/N closed the gate behind Johnny, leaving it un-latched. She was prepared to make a quick escape if things got hairy. She climbed back into the truck and watched the distant cabin gradually grow closer. "I think this is it," Johnny uttered. His excitement and anxiety became more apparent the closer they got.

Johnny was the first to leave the pickup and reach the door. He stood there hesitantly. "I'll go first," she said as she opened the door quietly. Y/N slipped inside and pressed herself against the wall. Johnny followed suit, keeping as silent as he possibly could.

She heard a muffled scream ripple throughout the air. She put her hand up and looked at Johnny. "We have to wait. I know it's hard, but you can't rush this," she said. He nodded and stood back. She could see that he wanted to run over there and rescue her.

The sounds of their struggle filled the house. When everything went silent, it gave her an eerie feeling. She knew something awfully wrong was amidst. She held her breath and slowly led the way. She went towards the sounds of a male voice.

They waited in a corner hidden by the shadow a bookcase provided. The hostile man's loud nature made up for her and Johnny's small mistakes. Any creak in a floorboard or loud breath would've given them away.

She listened as footsteps decrescendoed down the hall. She closed her eyes and listened to a stirring sound that came from a room down the hall. Taking the opportunity, she slipped into the room with Johnny close behind. Y/N guided the door closed slowly.

When she turned around, she saw a middle-aged woman strewn against a wall. She was on her knees with her hair draped over her face. Her peppered hair was knotted at her shoulders.

Y/N looked over at Johnny's shaky hands. His face was filled with dismay as he rufsed to believe what he saw. Y/n crept forwards and moved the woman's hair out of her face. Her skin was thick with bruises and scrapes. Her eyes were black holes filled with nothingness.

"Stay still. I'll get you down from there," she whispered gently. She stood up and scanned the room for anything sharp. Johnny had finally come to his senses, rushing to Nancy's side. They spoke softly to one another. She stood at a distance where their words were barely in earshot, turning them into incoherent mumbles.

The room was cluttered with random junk. Books, magazines, papers, and other various objects with no correlation lined the walls. She found a family photo featuring a small family of four. She grabbed a pen and jammed it down on the center to crack the glass. She grabbed a large shard before putting the remnants down.

Y/N walked over and began sawing at the sisal rope that held Nancy captive. It was woven tightly with a scratchy texture. She held the glass firmly. Each motion made the glas cut into the web between her thumb and index finger. She bit down on her lip to distract herself from the pain.

Nancy dropped down weakly after her wrists were freed. Y/Ns blood trickled down the glass, leaving a crimson trail. She watched the two of them embrace with emotion. She held Johnny tight, cottling him like a baby.

It only lasted for a moment before the door that separated them from danger, burst open. She wore a look of terror as she stared death in the eyes. She was the barrier protecting Johnny and Nancy from harm.

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