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            She grunted and felt pain in two areas of her body. Her scalp and her ankle. The scruffy man stood beside her with his hands clasped together. "Let's bring her to grandpa," the man exclaimed.

            Johnny stood and gripped his knives handle tightly. He picked Y/N up, slinging her over his shoulder with his hand on her lower back. "I'll handle this," Johnny grumbled as he walked into the slaughterhouse yard.

         Y/N kicked and grunted as she desperately tried to escape. "Let go of me! You bastard," she screamed. She bit down onto his his shoulder. Her teeth went through his skin with a pop.

           Johnny grunted in pain. He let her slide off his shoulder. Her body jolted as a surge of pain spread throughout her on impact.  Y/N scooted back with her good ankle and tried to make some distance between them. Johnny lunged towards her and grabbed her by the face. "You shut that pretty little mouth of yours," he said sharply.

          She let out a few sounds of discomfort as he squeezed harder. Johnny softened his gaze slightly and let go. This time, he bound her wrists with a small piece of rope before picking her up agai. He slung a large metal door open before walking her down to what she assumed was the basement. His footsteps filled the once silent room with nothing but noise.

            Her tears flowed down her flushed cheeks as she fought with herself mentally. Her body was in so much pain, but nothing could hurt more than the thought of never seeing William again.

          Johnny took her into a room with no windows and blood-stained wall.s It was cold, and the potent smell that tainted the air burnt her nose. She grunted and breathed in the intoxicating ait as she sat against the wall. She observed the piles of guts and buckets of blood that lined the walls.

              Johnny looked at her hesitantly before walking to the door. "I'll be back," he said before shutting it abruptly. Y/N heard keys jingle and a mechanism click. Damn it....must be locked down tight.

        She groaned and tried to undo the trap around her ankle. Her limited wrist mobility made it hard to pull. She loosened it slightly, but her fingers slipped, making the trap slam back into her flesh. She bit the inside of her cheek and held in a scream. "Damn it," She mumbled to herself.
           The pain was so strong that it turned into more of a burning sensation. Like running your hand under ice water for a long time. She breathed heavily and closed her eyes. Her head throbbed even more from having to continue to smell the pungent air around her. The best way she could describe it was rotten meat and stale blood mixed together with fear and death.

           The room was dark and mysterious. She didn't fear the dark, only the things that might be lurking within it. It all added to her state of distress, making things almost unbearable. Oddly enough, she already wished for Johnny to be back. Even the company of a maniac would be better than slowly rotting alone.

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