Part 4 || Dreamweaver: Bound by Fate: The Idols

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"Sawadeekrub ... we are The Idols !!! "

Nunew stepped forward a little and looked at all the fans who were under the stage. Everyone started cheering loudly when they saw Nunew smiling sweetly at them. Nunew was very happy when he heard the cheering of his fans.

Nunew: Sawadeekrub ... I'm Nunew Chawarin ... the leaders of The Idols. How about our first concert tonight? do you all like it? By the way, thank you very much because you are all willing to come in large numbers to welcome The Idols to this world of entertainment. I hope you all will always support you from today until anytime. Let us together hold hands tightly.

"Damn !"

While punching the table while holding back the anger in his heart that he had been hiding for a long time. He looked at the tv with a look full of revenge and anger. Nunew's smile warmed his heart and reminded him of the events of 2 weeks ago.

Flashback ....

"Now the list of names of trainees who will debut as members of The Idols group is in my hands. I will mention the names of the trainees who will debut as members of The Idols."

All the trainees started to feel very nervous and their hearts were beating very fast. All eyes focus on Bboun who will announce the names of the trainees who will debut as The Idols. Nunew looked at Namping then he gripped Namping's hand tightly.
Nunew: I'm sure that you will be debut, Namping. (Nunew whispered)

Bboun: The trainee who will debut and become a member of The Idols group is ... James ... Jimmy ... Yim ... and the last one ... 

Nunew looked into Namping's eyes and said, "It will be you, Namping."

"The last member who will join The Idols and be the leaders of The Idols is .... Nunew Chawarin !!! "

Nunew was very surprised as soon as he heard his name mentioned as the last member to debut and he is the leader of The Idols. Nunew then looked at the face of Namping who was standing next to him. Without wasting time, Nunew then tightly gripped Namping's hand.
Nunew: Namping .... listen.
Namping: LET ME GO, NEW.
Nunew: Namping ...

Without wasting time, Namping then let go of Nunew's hand very roughly. Namping looked at Bboun with a look of disbelief. How could he not be selected to debut when all this time he trained very hard and he is one of the highly capable trainees. Namping stepped closer to Bboun and looked at his manager.
Namping: How can I didn't debut, P'Bboun ?
Bboun: You asked me, right ?
Namping: Yes ... and how can Nunew debut when he literally break the rules a month ago ? This doesn't make sense !!!
Bboun: Break the rules ? Who ? Nunew, your twins ? 
Namping: Yes.
Bboun: He never break the rules but you are the one who break the rules, Namping.
Namping: What do you mean ? We all know and I did gave you the evidence, right ?
Bboun: Evidence ?
Namping: Yes, Nunew went out from the dorm at 12 am when the rules is we can't go out after 11pm. Then, he use his personal instagram account to gain more fans. How can you let him debut ?

Bboun stepped closer to Namping. The distance between their faces at that time was very close.
Bboun: You think I'm stupid ? Hmmm ? That night ... you wore his cardigan so that you looks like him, right ? You went out and played games at the games bar. You think I'm stupid ? We have CCTV, Namping. That night, when you went outside, Nunew was with me. He was still with me at the practice room. You think I'm stupid ? 
Namping: ....
Bboun: You remembered when I asked where is Nunew and you said Nunew went out from the dorm. You said like that because Nunew was not in the room, right ? But in fact, Nunew was with me. It's you ... you are the one who went out from the dorm.
Namping: You !!!
Bboun: How can I let you debut as an idol when you didn't have any discipline ? Hmmm ?
Namping: Okay, fine !!!

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