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"Come back here with that tube!!" Iron Man, aka Tony Stark Jr, yelled at Aria, age 6 and started chasing her.  Aria ran into her room that she had on the helicarrier and quickly locked herself in there.  It locked on the inside and outside.

  She grinned at the tube she "borrowed" from the lab.  It was the last ingredient Aria needed to make something she had been working on since she was able to walk.  She pictured the recipe in her mind.

  It said to add exactly 1 drop, no more, no less, of it to the jar.  Aria opened up the tube, went over to the jar and very carefully added 1 drop.  Then she got out a wooden spoon and stirred the liquids in the jar six times, three clockwise, three counterclockwise.

  She stepped back and plugged her ears. Even with her ears plugged she could hear a miniature explosion sound.  When some colorful smoke cleared, the liquid in the jar was clear.

  Aria smiled to herself.  Her smile disappeared when she heard Tony pound on the door and yell, "Aria!! OPEN THIS DOOR BEFORE I BLAST IT OPEN!! AND GIVE ME BACK THAT TUBE!! "  She rolled her eyes.

  She put the lid back on and brought it to the door.  She counted, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then unlocked the door and opened it up just as Tony was about to throw himself at the door.

  He flew across Aria's room and hit the thankfully, sturdy wall.  "Dammit Aria!!" Tony growled at her.  She clucked at him disapproving, "That's a bad word Tony, you know that."

  Then she said excitedly, "Hey, wanna check out what I made?"  Tony groaned.  "Please please please please please plea-" she got cut off from Tony saying, "Alright kid!  But it better be worth my time!"

  She grinned.  She poured three drops of the liquid from the jar into a little tube and capped it.  Aria shook the tube gently for three seconds then she uncapped it.

  Aria held up the tube and said to Tony, "The liquid in here Tony, isn't any ol' liquid.  It is an invisibility serum.  It turns you invisible obviously.  The drinker only needs to drink three drops and he or she become invisible for three hours.  The drinker must never overdose though.

"If he/she does, the side effects could be very bad including dizziness, headaches, blackouts, giddiness, nauseous, diarrhea and insane.  It isn't death poisonous though.  And the drinker only becomes insane if he gulps the whole jar of it down." 

  Tony didn't seem very impressed or interested though.  He just rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Uh huh, sure, how do I know it isn't just stupid water mixed in with some other stuff?"

  Aria had this glint in her eye, it was what she hoped he would say.  "Just watch." she said slyly.  She drank those three drops.  It didn't take long for the effect to kick in.  Aria counted about ten seconds until she felt a tingly sensation.  She knew she was turning invisible.

  Tony gaped at where she was because she didn't seem to be there at all.  Aria silently walked out of the room and locked Tony in.  She had three hours of doing anything she wanted to do and the people wouldn't even know she was there!

  Oh what lovely three hours Aria had.  First she made paint pouches, and then threw them onto random people.  Then she quietly sneaked up onto people and whispered softly, "Bloody murders everywhere, you're next!"  That seriously gave some of the victims creeps.

  To make it even more creepy Aria went ahead of the people and around the corner she screamed like she was getting stabbed over and over then right before the person came, she stopped suddenly.

  It was lots of fun.  Then she went to the lab and made some different serums and concoctions. Eventually she became visible but before it wore off she had fun with Tony who was still locked in her room.

  He was pounding and swearing.  Aria waited until he was about to throw himself at the door and then unlocked and opened the door.  Steve was passing by when Tony threw himself out of the room.

  "Whoa Tony, why are you throwing yourself against the wall? " he asked.   Stark angrily said, "Curse Aria!!"  Aria quickly hurried into her room and while Tony and Steve were talking, the invisibility wore off.

  Aria pretended to look bored when Tony stomped in and had a screaming fest.  She said in a bored, "Mr. Stark, can you please stop throwing spit on me.  Thank you very much." 

  Tony started to say something but Uncle Thor came in.  Tony growled at Thor, "Thor!  Your niece has been nothing but trouble today!" Then he stomped off to who knows where.

  Thor gave Aria a stern look,  "What did you do now Aria?" She shook her head.  "Aria," he said more sternly.  "Nothing at all except for finally complete the invisibility serum.  I have no idea why Tony said that. " Aria said.

  She leaned into Thor and whispered, "I wouldn't listen to a thing that Stark says.  He's been loony and crazy since the day he was born.. Don't tell him I said that." 

  He chuckled and then said seriously, "Aria, why does it seem like every time I come down to Midgard you have to go looking for trouble or you are in trouble?"

  Aria shrugged and said,  "I don't go looking for trouble, trouble goes looking for me Uncle."  He chuckled.  "How come you're here anyway?" Aria asked.

  "To check up on you of course and to discuss something with Director Fury and the Avengers." Thor said.  Aria nodded.



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