Oh great

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Merrick, Alyssa, and Taylor along with Zen were at a dirt track had given them the afternoon off to support their fellow rangers. Taylor sat in the dirt and drew a few patterns in the earth with her fingers, showing no interest in the race going on, "Talk about bad timing" she said without looking up.

"Yeah ", Zen confessed. She sighed before continuing, "how was I supposed to know this would happen?"

"Sorry to interrupt this but Blake won the race", Merrick stated, "just in case anyone cares".

"Good", Taylor jumped up and brushed the dirt off her hands, "now we can get out of this dust filled corner of hell". She continued to clean the dirt off her pants,

"Just be ready to apologise in return", Alyssa added. She suddenly spotted someone in the crowd and her face immediately fell, "Guys, we might want to get out of here".

"Are we being attacked?" Zen was suddenly on high alert.

Taylor groaned when she spotted the same man, "Worse, it's our fearless team leader and his bumbling sidekicks", she tried to find a clear path through the crowd, "quickly, I don't want to have to deal with those morons today".

"I didn't realise you hated them that much", Merrick stated as he followed the Yellow Wild Force ranger through the crowd.

"Hate's a strong word", Taylor replied, "we just have a difference of opinions on pretty much everything".

"Taylor you disagree with everyone, even your own boyfriend", Alyssa chuckled and brought the convoy to a halt, "we can't run away from them forever. Maybe we should hear what they've got to say", Taylor grunted something but reluctantly nodded in agreement.

The group of ranger's changed direction and instead began moving towards the location of Cole, Max and Danny. Eventually they caught Cole's eye and he directed them towards a quiet part of the circuit away from the spectators. There was an uncomfortable silence between the two different factions. Cole tried his best to look stern but it wasn't really working. Alyssa bit her lips as the silence continued and Taylor stood there with her arms folded and glared at the Red Wild Force Ranger. "Alyssa, Taylor", Cole stated, "been a while", he then turned his attention to Merrick, "the Board aren't too pleased that this has been kept from them".

"They have a television don't they", Taylor snorted, "every news station has covered what's happened in the area, it's hardly been a secret".

"You know what I mean", Cole countered, "this is not following established protocols. Before making contact, you must get approval from the Board of Directors".

"Look at you jungle boy, Hexagon's own little guard dog", Taylor began, "not quite a big dog though, you've got that annoying small dog yapping sound going on". She then pointed to Max and Danny, "Talking of annoying little animals", she snorted. Cole turned bright red but didn't respond to the criticism, "I bet you get on your knees, wait for them to drop their pants and s-".

"Taylor, stop", Alyssa hissed and to everyone's surprise, the yellow ranger did as she was asked, "if you must know the Princess is fully aware of everything. We thought it was nothing and by the time we realised something was wrong, we had to help Zen".

"Hello by the way", Zen waived, "look why don't we take this somewhere a little quieter".

Cole thought about this for a few moments before stating, "Fine, lead the way". The Rangers led the way out of the track but not before Taylor made an obscene gesture behind Cole's back. Alyssa slapped the yellow ranger's hand down and gave her a non verbal warning to behave herself.

Alyssa turned to the others after getting off the phone, "I've got some bad news, There's another  Org egg".

"Really?" Zen began, "was my kind really this bad?".

Merrick was about to speak but Cole cut in front of him, "Orgs are linked to the Earth", he stated?

"Good, awesome so where is it", Zen asked, "and please don't say the abandoned quarry".

"Not this time", Alyssa chuckled, "it's at the top of Blueridge Point".

"Probably the best position to infect the Earth", Merrick added, "it's well protected by Putrids and is probably under observation  somehow".

"Alright so what are we waiting for", Taylor pushed herself off the wall and proceeded towards the exit.

"We need to call this in", Max protested.

"This can't wait for a committee meeting", Merrick began, "if we strike now then who ever it is will be caught by surprise".

"Do I have to remind you that you're all under a Hexagon contract", Cole barked, "this insurrection won't go unnoticed".

"I'm not under contract", Zen said, "we'll try and save you something for when your little focus group is done". Zen turned around and jogged towards the exit.

Cole gaped at the rangers in disbelief, "Come back here, we need authorisation to engage".

"What happened to you Cole?" Alyssa sighed, "you used to believe in justice and protecting the Earth at any cost. Now look at you, a corporate stooge without a soul", she didn't look back and marched up the stairs in pursuit of Zen .

"Ouch and people say that I'm harsh", Taylor chuckled, "well I'm already AWOL from the Air Force, might as well be in breach of my Hexagon contract as well". She too left With Merrick  in close proximity.

"This isn't cool", Max said, his anger bubbling away underneath the surface. There was an audible groan from Cole, "I'm only going because I've been authorised to engaged but rest assured, Spader and the others will hear about this". after a few moments he and the other two ran up the stairs to catch up with the others. 

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