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A/n: Just for clarification, most characters that were younger are aged up, for example Ruby is 18 and Yang is 19. With that out the way, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Narrator Pov

It was a quiet night for Vale, the only sound being the gentle rustling of wind in the trees, a few people were still out, either shopping or just hanging out together. Ruby Rose walked down the street with her red hooded cloak, having the hood cover her head as her headphones playing some music as she looks around Vale, taking in the sights before looking down at a sheet of paper she held, it was a shopping list and she was just about done with one item remaining.

Ruby: "Yang is gonna enjoy this, Tatsu did say he can make it quickly as well. But why did it have to be late night shopping."

She sighs before seeing a dust shop just ahead of her, a smile graced her lips as she ran towards it, surprised a dust shop was still open this late, the name of the shop made more sense to her now, From Dust Till Dawn, she browsed the magazines in the back and picked up the latest edtion of Weapons Magizine.

The shop clerk was putting most of his items away, unaware of the groups of thugs walking toward his shop, the group being led by the infamous Roman Torchwick, they walk in and approach the clerk who was on edge by the group. Roman walked stepped forward, tapping his cigar to shake the ash of it before calmly talking to the clerk.

Roman: "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?"

One of his men points a gun to the clerk who raised his arms, he trembled on the spot and wanted to avoid any issues with the thugs.

Clerk: "Please, just take my lien and go."

Roman: "Calm down, we're not here for you money. Grab the dust."

His men spread out, picking up canisters and approaching the dust pipes before collecting the dust from within them. One puts a case in front of the clerk, opening it as Roman spoke again.

Roman: "Crystals. Burn, uncut."

The clerk didn't argue, grabbing the crystals he demanded and dropping them in the case. The rest spread out around the shop, gathering more dust until one of them walks to the back and sees Ruby still reading the magazine with her back to him. He draws his weapon and points it at her.

Thug 1: "Alright kid, put your hands where I can see them."

He was confused with her lack of response and continued.

Thug 1: "Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something kid?"

He taps her shoulder which finally got her attention, she pulls her hood down as she turns to look at him, her headphones now in clear sight as they kept playing music.

Ruby: "Huh?"

He points at his ear, signaling for her to remove which she does but looks at both confused and curious.

Ruby: "Yes?"

Thug 1: "I said, put your hands in the air, now!"

Ruby: "Are you... robbing me?"

She looked at the thug a bit confused but didn't seem to be bothered by the robbery taking place, in her head she was debating how quick she could take him out.

Thug 1: "Yes!"

He shouted a bit louder, his frustration clear from the continued ignorance he was getting.

Ruby: "Oh."

She had a sly smirk on her face, the thug was quickly kicked away, past Roman who looked at him with a raised brow. Another thug came to see what happened and looked at Roman who gestured with his head, telling him to deal with it. He stood in front of Ruby and drew his gun, aiming at her.

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