Chapter Twenty Two

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When Mistress Elena looked away from Prefon, the vampire king had just entered the courtyard and the crowd went madder than they did when the alpha king had.

"Thaso! Thaso! Thaso!", they chanted.

Lucien tried as much as he could not to grimace at the name. It was his but it had been so long since someone had called him that, and it brought back memories. Some were pleasant, some not so much, but they were all memories he didn't want to remember.

"War Lord! War Lord! War Lord!", They proceeded.

Lucien looked around at the crowd, and for one moment, the courtyard transformed into several of the battlefields he had fought on. He almost staggered and blinked hard to keep the images away.

"Your majesty", someone said beside him.

He whipped his head to the side to see a small male fairy holding the holy book in front of him. He hadn't noticed when he had come to him.

"Place your hand upon it", the man directed.

Lucien hesitated.
The holy book was considered sacred, some said the Creator's writing was imprinted in its pages and he was a vampire. The son of the first vampire. The man who had brought the vampire curse on them. Lucien felt like he carried something evil, and his hands needed to stay clear of the book.

"Your majesty", the man called. "We don't have much time".

He clenched his jaw and did the damn thing.

The man placed his hand on top of his and asked him to repeat every word that he uttered. He did, even though he barely heard what the man said or what he repeated.

When that part was done, Lucien drifted away as the fairy king addressed the crowd, and only paid attention when the rules of the duel were about to be said. He didn't want to upset his sister by breaking any.

Rule 1:- They could be with only one weapon.
Rule 2:- The first one to fall to the ground loses.

And that was it.
Lucien couldn't have been more pleased at the simplicity of the rules. When the weapons were brought for him to pick one, he flashed his hands at the servants carrying them. "These are enough".

They bowed with small knowing smiles and moved to the alpha king who, Lucien noticed picked a silver sword. It made him smirk, the fool didn't know he had grown immune to silver.

The bell was rung announcing the first round of two rounds of the duel. Each round was to last seven minutes.

"There shall be no reason for a second round Lucien", the alpha king goaded. "Because before the end of this one, you shall be on your knees".

Lucien smirked. " This will be over in a minute, I promise", he told him.

The alpha king shook with laughter. "You underestimate me".

56 seconds ...

The alpha king charged, making the first move, and Lucien dodged the attack.

Prefon watched the fight, at the same time praying her ears wouldn't get affected by the screams and shouts of the crowd.

The first thing she noticed when the duel began was that King Lucien wasn't with a weapon

He also wasn't using his vampire speed and wasn't attacking. He just kept dodging the attacks from the alpha king effortlessly and with the grace of a man on the dance floor during a ball. It was interesting to watch how frustrated and angry it made the alpha king.

Then her heart skipped when King Lucien finally made a move and all he did was hold onto the alpha king's wrist stopping his attacks.

There was a collective gasp. The sword in the alpha king's hand fell to the ground.

"Ten seconds", Lucien said to the alpha king who looked like a child caught stealing. Lucien tilted his head to the side. "I promised you a minute didn't I?".

The alpha king's eyes went round, and then there was fear in his eyes.

Lucien's grip on his wrist tightened. He had refrained from using any of his vampire abilities. If he had the alpha king would have been dead, and simply put, he didn't see any need to use any of his vampire abilities or strength.

As haunting as the name war Lord was sometimes, he had earned it on every battlefield he had ventured into, and in every war, without even being a vampire.

"If you survive what I'm about to do to you, your scars will remind you to never think of touching my sister", Lucien growled.

Three seconds...

The alpha king opened his mouth to say something but it was cut off by the bone-cracking punch Lucien gave him.

Another gasp from the crowd was followed by shouts.

"War Lord! War Lord!", They chanted.

Before Prefon could blink thrice, the alpha king was on the ground, his body covered in his own blood.

The crowd cheered.

No words could explain the turmoil of emotions she felt all at once.

King Lucien had won her.
She was his.

Finally, the part we all predicted is done and done!!
I'm so grateful for all the support, and I hope you're enjoying reading this book as much as I do when writing.

I haven't been updating as often as I want to and probably won't because I have exams coming up really soon, and school right now has been crazy.

Thank you guys so much for reading.
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If you have any study tips, please share lol.
I can't wait to see you in the next chapter🌹

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