Sorting Hat

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Suddenly the train came to a stop and Luz,King,Gus and Willow were waiting on what's gonna happen next. Just then someone was passing though the train carts as he kept saying "First years leave your stuff, pets and go out through the train doors." They said, Luz and co did exactly that and left there things aside from there wands as they left there compartment and were moving down the halls of the train and exited to the doors that were open for them to leave. As they got off Luz,King,Gus and Willow stuck together while waiting for the others
Luz heard multiple people whispering about her.

Soon they were greeted by a giant who had lots of unkempt long hair and beard wearing a fuzzy brown sleeves tunic and pants with black boots holding a lantern. "First years follow me." He said as Luz and Co proceeded to follow the giant soon all the first years started following him. "Nice to meet yer kids. My name is Hagrid." Hagrid said to Luz,King,Gus and Willow.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Luz Noceda, that's King Clawthrone, Willow Park and Gus Porter." Luz said pointing at her friends. "Blimey yer the one who defeated he who must not be named, and yer friend is the kid of Edalyn." King said. "I didn't know your Mom was Edalyn Clawthorne." Gus asked. "Oh yeah my mom and aunt are both teachers here." King said. "Eda has a sister?" Luz questioned. Before king can respond Hagrid then stopped at a lake with boats.

"Alright, four people per boat." Hagrid said getting on one of the boats. Luz and King got on one of the boats while Gus and Willow went on a different one. Luz's boat was then joined by a light skin girl with brown hair with hair loops dangling on the side with freckles on her face wearing the girl uniform and a boy that had light skin, blonde shaggy hair and a tooth gap as he was wearing the same thing as Luz and King.

Just as everyone was on a boat they soon began to move on their own. Luz glanced over at Gus and Willows boat to see them talking while there were two other people on their boat. It was a boy with light dark brown skin, dark brown bowl cut, the two ends were split haircut and dark brown eyes and a girl with pale skin, purple eyes and long brown wavy hair with a yellow ribbon as her hair was covering one of her eyes. Luz then introduced herself to the people in her boat and started having a conversation with them. The girl's name was Bo while the boy's name was Brandon.

As Luz was busy talking to them, King roughly shook Luz. "LUZ LOOK!!" King exclaimed and pointed at something. All of them except King looked at what he was pointing at as their jaws dropped as they saw a huge castle on top. It was the Hogwarts castle. As the boats made it to the land Hadgrid had everyone get off the boats and followed him as he took them up a hill and inside the castle as they headed up some stairs in which they were to meet with Eda Clawthrone.

As they went up the stairs Luz noticed Boscha tempting to trip King but then stopped as he saw him wave to Eda who waved back. As everyone reached the top of the stairs Eda cleared her throat gaining everyone's attention. "Everyone listen up before you go take your seats you must be sorted into your house. There are Gryffindor,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw and Slyhtherin." Eda said as some people including Boscha snugged at the mention of Slyherin.

"These houses will be your family during your time here at Hogwarts and you'll be competing with one another for the house cup. Now wait here till we're ready." Eda said. "So what house do you guys think you'll be sorted into." King asked. "Hopefully with my siblings or with you guys." Luz said smiling as she noticed Amity and Skara standing near Boscha looking uninterested in what she was saying.

Amity then caught Luz's stare as she smiled. Luz smiled back and waved, not seeing Skara whisper something to her as Amity turned red. Just then her attention went forward as the doors Eda then walked ahead showing them in as they followed her as the young witches and wizards noticed for long tables with students sitting  down watching them ad Luz,Willow, Gus and King were mesmerized by the dinner hall and it's decorations.

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