Niall Imagine/OneShot

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."No Bryan! How many times do I have to tell you? I don't like you that way! We are FRIENDS. Nothing more! Im sorry..." You said, feeling bad for the boy but also annoyed. He'd been acting like a bit of a stalker lately. He'd followed you home from your University today, and hasn't left you alone all week. This was the last straw.

"Theresa! We have a connection! I know you feel it too!" He shouted, reaching out to touch your shoulder.

"No. Please don't. We don't have a connection. We never did." You whisper stepping away from him, tears threatening to spill. You had no idea why you were crying. But you do know you need to get away from Bryan.

"Bryan... Please.... Just Leave" you say, shutting the door of your simple, one story flat. You look out the window a few seconds later to see Bryan pulling out of your driveway in his jet black Jeep Wrangler.

You run to your room, crawl under the duvet, and bring your knees up to your chest. Tears roll down your cheeks, smearing your makeup. But you dont care. You just need to see Niall. Your best friend. The one you love. If only he knew you felt that way. He'd probably laugh in your face you thought. But you knew you couldnt handle this alone. He'd seen you at your worse before so you took out your phone, and texted Niall.

To: Nialllerrr;)

'Its Bryan again.. I need you... If you can, please come over..'

You hit the 'enter' button and waited for the little symbol to show up, lettin you know the message was sent. When you saw it, you turned your phone on loud, dropped it on the bed beside you, and put your head in your hands. Not a minute later, the song 'Oath' by Cher Lloyd blasted through the speakers of your phone. You quickly grabbed your phone, knowing exactly who it was because of the ringtone. You unlocked the device and checked the message.

From: Nialllerrr;)

'On my way babe, see you in 10 xx'

You smiled despite all the emotions going on inside your head. He was always there for you. Thats actually one of the reasons why you fell for him. Not to mention his gorgeous blue eyes, small blonde quiff, and adorable laugh. He was everything you ever wanted. But you were just best friends. And you were almost positive thats all you'd ever be.

Just like Niall promised, about 10 minutes later, a short blonde boy walked into your room with a concerned look plastered all over his face. He walks over to your bed and sits down beside you, shooting you an apologetic smile.

"What happened Theresa?" Niall questioned, his hand on your knee tracing untidy little doodles.

"Bryan.." You choked. "He followed me ho-"

"Did he hurt you!?" Niall demanded, suddenly very angry.

"Niall, no he didnt hurt me, I was just scared.. I dont know what hes capable of.." You whispered that last part, and the sentence hung in the air. Neither of you wanted to think about what Bryan would have done if he got mad enough.

"Good... I never would have forgiven myself if something would have happened to you" Niall whispered, looking straight into your eyes. Your heart skipped a beat. Just the way he was looking at you made your heart flutter. The concern you knew he felt for you made thousands of butterflies stir in your belly.

Before you could convine yourself otherwise, you leaned in closer to Niall, your lips milimeters apart. Nialls eyes widened a bit, but surprisingly he didnt pull back. Then, before you could register what was happening, Niall pressed his lips to yours, capturing them in a soft, sweet kiss. You felt him gently pushing you backwards and soon you felt the fabric of the duvet make contact with your back. Your lips never seperated for a second. Nialls tongue glided across your bottom lip, asking for more. You gave him permission straight away, and soon your tongues were dancing and exploring every nook and cranny of the others' mouth. You felt Niall smile into the kiss, and you couldnt help but mirror his actions. This is what you've always wanted. It was finally happening.

About one heated makeout session later, the two of you were cuddling in your bed. Your fingers were intertwined, and grins were plastered on both of your faces.


"Yeah?" He answered.

"W-Why'd you kiss me?" You questioned, curiosity really kicking in.

The blonde haired, blue eyed boy didnt say anything for a while. He had to choose his words carefully. He couldnt screw this up.

"I guess I'd never really realized how much I cared for you until I saw you crying like that.. you needed someone...and you have no idea how lucky I feel to have been that someone." Niall said, looking down at you and smiling, his fingers combing through your hair.

"I really like you Niall.. I know we're best friends and everything so we could never work out but-" Niall cut you off.

"Im willing to try if you are babe" Niall said.

"You are?" You asked in total disbelief. Niall nodded, sincerity filling his eyes.

"Then so am I" You told him, looking up to be met by yet another Nialler kiss. 'I could get used to this' You thought.

"Will you be my girlfriend Theresa?" Niall asked.

"I would love to Niall" You replied.

A/N: I hope you liked it!! FEEDBACK is always appreciated! Please comment and tell me what you thought and Vote Vote Vote if you liked it!! Thank you so muchh! Till next time beautifuls ;* x

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