love me forever ☾

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Summary: After losing Eddie in the Upside Down, you struggled to mourn him and the fact you would never see him again

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Summary: After losing Eddie in the Upside Down, you struggled to mourn him and the fact you would never see him again. When he comes back to life without explanation, you hope things will go back to normal. But he's acting different, unusual; and you need to know why...

Warnings: heavy angst, discussions of character death, depression, hurt/comfort

Word count: 6.4k

☾ ☾ ☾

Some people say that grief is love that has nowhere to go.

You don't remember love ever being this painful. Not the love you had. Not with yours.

But the weight of that love was nearly unbearable now. The warmth and safety it used to swath you in replaced by a stake driven straight through the heart. It dug itself deeper, deeper with each passing day.

The jagged blade of that grief tore through the arteries and heartstrings as you slept, visions of everything that had happened haunting you. A scream ripping up your throat roused your whole body awake.

You sat straight up in the mess of blankets as your heavy breaths weighed on your chest. It was bright, late afternoon sunlight drowned the room in a gold that was too much for your tired eyes.

Napping was never as restful as you hoped it would be. It was wishful thinking to catch up on the sleep you would lose every night. And no matter what, closing your eyes just meant that nightmare would follow.

You would see him—every time.


And he was lying in your arms, bleeding from multiple places and pale as the moon. Your shaking hand pressed to the back of his neck felt the terminal breath as it left him.

That wound never closed. It remained raw and every day and every night salt stung it.

It was sixty-two days ago that he died in your arms. Your love, your person. The one who made everything right and put a smile on your face no matter what was going on.

I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. Your painful thoughts echoed whenever you thought about his absence.

Half of you was gone. It left a hole in your chest that you felt every second of the day. Nothing could heal you and that agonizing, gutting sensation.

Your friends tried. Robin and Steve took turns spending the days with you. The company was appreciated because at least you didn't have to take care of yourself alone. But those visits lessened with time because pushing them away felt easier than being reminded.

The kids had their own struggles with processing it. You'd let Mike and Lucas go through Eddie's D&D stuff; so badly you envied their ability to smile at the things that held good memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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